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Comment Re:I'm liking how Russia is standing up these days (Score 0, Troll) 234

Putin, for all of his shortcomings, knows a weakling when he sees one. And that a vastly superior military (that would be the US military) means nothing when headed by a weakling.

He also knows that North Korea wasn't going to repay those debts anyway, so why not try to make some lemonade out of those lemons.

Comment Re:And a Russian 'tug' was there (Score 1) 125

You mean the algorithms that were developed in the 1950's and are unchanged to this day? I suspect any C2 code used by SpaceX would be rather useless to them... but then again that has never stopped them from stealing it anyway.

All Russia has to do is be cheaper. So they make their craft lighter or some such.

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