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Comment Re:Outpaces? (Score 4, Funny) 598

This is one of those slashdot absurdities that I just can't stand. You are criticizing the story while openly stating you didn't read it. W.T.F.

If you are going to post a comment, at least have the decency to RTFA first. I would give an example of why you should, and show how your statements are false based on the content of TFA, but I haven't read it yet...

Comment Re:It needs some method of data entry (Score 4, Insightful) 145

I was thinking something like a slide out keyboard, like g1 phone style. A keyboard is really so much nicer than touch for entering data. In my book it is an essential requirement for serious web browsing and email but shouldn't get in the way or be there when you don't need it or you might as well just be holding a laptop.

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