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Comment Saver than Diebold (Score 1) 324

The bottom line is that SSL, A3 certificate and mutual authentication is a save. Saver than using voting machines, I'm sure. This methods are much saver than paper and pen voting. There may have problems with this kind of technology but make no mistakes, a peace of paper is way less secure than this.

Comment Java? (Score 1) 1008

Ok, but what about Java? It's just a matter of time before it licensing model changes. What are we going to do? I don't think I will start coding ERP applications using C,CPP, PERL, etc. I would pretty much install Windows or something that would get the job done faster.

Comment Re:Immigrating loses you rights (Score 0) 1359

In Brazil you need some years of consecutive stay (legal or not) and need to give up your old citizenship also. It's easy and pretty much everyone gets it. Now look at this problem: Children born in the US from illegal Brazilian immigrants may not be able to get Brazilian citizenship if they don't come here before they are 14 years old. When those parents get deported, they are not allowed to bring their kids with them. It take years to bring them legally. Some parents usually bring them illegaly and ask for citizenship after a while.

Comment No way, go to Brazil (Score 0) 1359

You should consider coming to Brazil. You can do pretty much anything and you will not go to jail. Well, the only bad thing is that people can do pretty much anything to you also. In Brazil, you need to do that to get in jail: -> racism: beleive or not, you will get to jail and will get killed there. -> rape: once in jail, you are dead in some very cruel fashion -> not paying pension to you ex-wife/son, you will get raped in prison then.

Comment Re:Come to the USA! (Score 1, Interesting) 1359

Yes... but. I'm from Brazil. I lived 13 months in the US - under the infamous H1B visa. I went there just to learn something etc, not making money. But I have to tell you that some things really scared me, like health and education. I really didn't feel free having to pay an absurd amout of money for health insurance, I felt like if in the case of losing a job I would die in front of a hospital.

Comment Living (Score 0) 1359

I'm from Brazil. I used to live in the US (one year contract only - an infamous H1B), Ireland and Italy. I found that there are types of freedom. Sometimes I felt that Brazil was a more free place than US. But when it comes to media, I don't think there are many countries with the US level of freedom of speech. Everything comes at a cost, even freedom. In Brazil media is not under gov control, except for age classification. BUT, usually you get sued by who you are talking about and may have to pay some huge amount of money for it. I would recommend Brazil, getting Brazilian citizenship is very easy, usually you just need to stay here for some years and giving up your origin citizenship. Getting a job... that's another story...

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