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Comment Mmm hmmm... (Score 1) 93

Maybe I just don't know enough about the biology and mentality of snails, or even the psycological effects of meth... but did they really come to the most logical conclusion here?

Maybe the snails that were submerged in the meth-water just remembered: "hey, last time i was in this situation, i got a wicked-high! Tube down! Tube down!" Whereas the normal-water snails were like "suffocation? Eff that noise."

Comment I feel a sneeze coming on... (Score 2, Funny) 121

Just think, with this no-touch screen, sitting infuriatingly still becomes a requirement for your computer to continue doing what it was doing.

Aahhh aaahh AHHH ACHOOO!

You have just motioned that you want to reformat your D partition. Is this correct?

"What?! No I didn't!!"

You nose appears to be pointing towards the YES button and your emphatic gestures indicate the CLICK action. Formatting now.....

Comment Re:More choice means more flexibility (Score 2, Interesting) 378

While I agree, I think the big drawback with having different hardware comes from a programming/user-interface standpoint: how do you develop applications that will run on ALL of these phones when the screen real-estate can be so varied?

Anyone that has done a lot of HTML design knows about the headaches this can cause.

ie. You want to make your site look pretty for someone who runs their OS in 800x600 as well as someone who runs at 1280x1024. While you COULD just develop it for the more popular [higher] resolution, you could be ostracizing a large user-base who opted for the more compact screen. Then you also possibly need to add in the complexity to design your UI for when they turn their phone 90 degrees and want to run your app in portrait mode too...

Comment I agree, but disagree... (Score 1) 1721

While I agree with you and several (sub-)responses here in that he has not actually accomplished much (yet??), you guys seem to be ignoring the actually summary of the article here ["the Norwegian committee is honoring his intentions more than his achievements"] as well as the statement from the committee [they are recognizing "his extraordinary efforts"].

From the Nobel website:

On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes, the Nobel Prizes. As described in Nobel's will, one part was dedicated to "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

While you may not think he has done a damn thing to deserve it, apparently the committee thinks otherwise.

Comment wow. that is a good point (Score 1) 380

Plus there are situations where being able to text "help, I'm being held hostage" is a more viable option than making a voice call to say "help, I'm being held hostage"

Since we have made these types of technological advancements over the past several years, does anyone know if 911 is keeping up with the times and accepts text messages or if there is any plan for it? (Not just for "hostage situations" but also for people who are physically unable to talk/listen on a phone.) Can 911 trace your cellphone to a general location using either GPS or just cell-tower triangulation? etc...

Comment Do you want to be a fan of "911 Emergency Respo... (Score 2, Funny) 380

A notification has been sent to "911 Emergency Response". The user must accept your friend request before they will appear in your friends list.

[meanwhile, the victim dies because "911 Emergency Response" is actually "sleeping in today and not going to class cuz last night was so crazy omfg".]

Comment Today's youth can learn a lesson from these guys (Score 5, Funny) 224

I think the most funny part of the whole suit is that they just write: 'Reservella is a company run by Fredrik Neij' -- out of 40 pages of paper that's all they have to say...

Wow. In highschool, I always thought expanding a 3-page term-paper into a 4-page term-paper was kinda rough, but could always be done by tweaking the font-size (ie. 13pt instead of 12pt) or line-spacing (ie. 2.1 instead of standard double-spacing)... but turning 8 words into a 40 page document?!? I am humbled.

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