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Comment Re:This is not a matter of neutrality (Score 1) 438

Here's the thing: In a free society you don't have a right to force someone to provide you with "what you want". They provide you with "what they are willing to sell you."

If you don't like what they're providing, don't buy it.

Now, in an unregulated free market, we don't have Franchise authorities creating monopolies. And we've got to undo 30 years of those authorities doing so, so a path towards competition that creates a free and competitive environment (ie, forced unbundling, etc.) is perfectly acceptable.

But pretending that Comcast is "your bitch" and must provide you with exactly the configuration of network performance that is optimal to your personal needs isn't in any way acceptable.

I agree with just about everything you just said. In a free market Comcast and I (or any other party) are free to come to any agreement within a broad range of legality. However, understanding that in a free society the government is always in a position to decide what agreements it is willing to enforce in the interest of the free market. Without a system where disputes can be equitably resolved, private agreements are either not free or not effective.

If I pay a shop keeper for something and they don't provide that good or service, then there needs to be a way to resolve that dispute within the rules. Likewise if I take a good or service outside of an agreement then regulations are needed to define the rules for dealing with that range of situations. In some clear cases it might be stealing or in some cases it is a civil matter. Likewise there is a very real issue when there is only one seller in the marketplace or a gang that has intimidated all the other sellers, that calls for regulation also.

There is no possibility of a free market without rules governing the free market which keep it free. The rules and the enforcement of those rules is what make a market free or not.

In the current environment where regulations at the local, state and federal levels have all contributed to creating local communications monopolies and there is very little room for an effective free market for Internet access, then there is a necessary place for regulatory reform to create better (usually simpler) rules to create a better free market system.

I agree with those that say the lack of competition is the real underlying issue, but you need rules to address that. I am not talking about more or less rules... just the right rules for the free market system we want.

Comment Re:This is not a matter of neutrality (Score 2) 438

Good FCC regulations would

Good FCC regs would get the hell out of the way of the ISPs who -- really -- have done nothing to deserve what they're getting. This is a bad solution to solve a problem which doesn't exist.

The problem of stove piped networks clearly exists as smaller networks have been squeezed and squeezed using inadequate peering to force them to consolidate or go out of business. This has been a clear trend over the last two decades.

I see the problem as government regulations (including the current FCC version of Net Neutrality) being captured by monopolies to further their consolidation of power, not that there isn't a role for government regulation of the free market.

Unregulated free markets don't remain free. And unregulated communication networks aren't going to provide customers with the communication services they are paying for and which we all want. A free society needs honest cops ready to step in when needed to enforce simple and fair rules of free trade, not no cops.

Comment Re:Title II (Score 1) 438

I've yet to have anyone explain clearly why having the internet under the same regulatory regime as the telephone system would be a, net, positive thing.

Because the FCC is calling it "net neutrality" - that's why. Just like the "Patriot" Act inspires patriotism. See? I'm sure I'll get modded troll, but I don't care. Just don't complain to me when the FCC messes up internet for everyone if you supported this under the guise of net neutrality.

If the FCC actually implemented technical net neutrality rules for inter-connectivity between networks it would help ensure that the customers of any one network would be provided sufficient peering to access content and communicate with other people on other networks.

Just as with the break up of ATT that you needed regulations to make sure that customers of one network would be able to call customers of another network and expect a sufficient level of service between the networks would be provided. The Internet is primarily a communications platform and not merely a cable content delivery network.

The problem with the Orwellian "net neutrality" as has been put forward by the FCC is that it does none of that necessary work to mandate sufficient network peering and focuses on content instead of substance. Prohibiting packet discrimination based on content or deep packet inspection would be a good thing (somewhat easily thwarted with some encryption and use of dynamic IP ranges by the way), but that wasn't the main issue of net neutrality which really is about providing sufficient peering bandwidth for content and communications requested by an ISP's own customers.

Comment Re:This is not a matter of neutrality (Score 1) 438

You realize that nothing you describe above precludes the poster-child for the Net Neutrality movement, the Comcast/Netflix situation, right?

Nothing in your agreement with the ISP requires them to peer with the people you want them to peer with, at the capacity you want them to have.

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. Nothing in the FCC net Neutrality regulations prevent the ISPs from stove piping their networks to exclude peers that provide competing content. All it precludes them from doing is cherry picking packets.

Good FCC regulations would set some technical standards for peering so that if for instance Comcast customers were regularly requesting content from another network (for say Netflix) then the ISP would have to work with that other network to provide sufficient peering bandwidth to meet expected Comcast customer demand moving forward. The FCC regulations miss that and throw a bunch of red tape and aspirational words at the problem and delve into what should be FTC concerns about anti-competitive practices.

The Internet is a communications network, the whole point of any government regulations should be those technical standards of peering between the networks to provide enough bandwidth to meet the need.

Comment I like this guy (Score 1) 438

I like Rand Paul and when it comes right down to it he can see the forest for the trees. He is basically right on this one, although I would prefer it if he came out and also strongly condemned the local monopolies that are undermining free market competition and clearly linked the issues.

As far as I have read, the FCC rules create red tape without providing the simple meaningful protections for net neutrality and protections for competition and connectivity of networks that are needed. The FCC net neutrality rules specifically excluded the practice of providing insufficient bandwidth to peer networks to handle requested content, which if you recall was how Comcast successfully shook down and squeezed Netflix/Comcast customers for more money because their network peering was insufficient to handle Comcast customer demand for Netflix content.

So, moving forward the FCC will continue to allow networks to effectively block and throttle content provided on other networks as long as they throttle the entire peer network and not specific content. That is Net Neutrality in name only and will lead to further consolidation of corporate control over the Internet as people won't be able to afford not to pay the local monopolies to host their content on those networks because the various stove piped networks are all connected via 56k modems in a broom closet unless their network owners have come to some "arrangement".

Worse, the very competition which could alleviate the problem will be further stifled instead of enabled by the FCC Net Neutrality regulations.

While there are some good symbolic nuggets in the regulations, allowing networks to provide half-assed peering to other networks that provide the content that their customers are requesting is the glaring loophole in the FCC regulations which undermines the entire house of cards.

Comment Re:Good Business or Empire Building? (Score 1) 112

The sectors represented by Comcast (content, cable, internet) all face a ton of pressure from various competition.

Comcast is often the only effective provider of all of the above in many local areas with local franchises that give them exclusivity to lay their cables and with anti competitive agreements with Verizon which have blocked an expansion of Verizon FiOS into competing areas in exchange for Comcasts agreement to not get into Wireless. In many places if you want to get content, cable and/or Internet Comcast is the way you get it.

Pricing models mean more expensive Internet if you don't bundle content which gives them an effective slice of the content pie even if you don't buy their content.

And the FCCs Net Neutrality rules won't effectively force Internet providers to peer with content providers networks at necessary bandwidth speeds to serve the demands of their own customers. Which was the primary means by which Big Cable was extorting content providers and their customers.

The situation does not represent a healthy free market competition, but rather a number of local monopolies using the monopolies to vertically integrate their companies with more and more exclusive content and services. Blocking this merger merely prevents a bad situation from getting much much worse all of a sudden.

Comment Re: A sane supreme court decision? (Score 1) 409

I agree with Roe v. Wade. My body. My right. Neither States or the Federal government have a right to regulate what I can and can't do to my own body. The principle shouldn't just apply to killing babies in the womb which is far far more extreme a legal proposition than drug use and possession.

Comment Re:A sane supreme court decision? (Score 1) 409

Agreed that nobody should be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of illegal or even some prescription drugs. And if you read between the lines, then swerving out of the lane was what got the attention of the police officer. Which could indicate he was driving impaired. But the legal issue at hand seems to be about the possession to which the search is irrelevant if the law itself is found to be unconstitutional.

Comment Re:A sane supreme court decision? (Score 1) 409

If the right to privacy in ones own body which the Supreme Court found in the constitution guarantees the right to choose an abortion then yes I think a rationally consistent and sane Supreme Court would find the same applies to the right to smoke a little weed or do whatever you want to your own body.

Comment Re:the endgame is ironic here (Score 1) 289

Partisanship is not about ideological right versus left. It is about two factions fighting over turf and control. There are plenty of people on every side on every issue willing to have intellectual debates on issues, but try doing so in the halls of power and you will quickly find yourself preyed upon.

Comment Re:Antarctica (Score 1) 137

Maybe there is a better alternative than a test colony in Antarctica if the real problem is being able to mine and process small quantities of rocks for necessary materials. Just set up in a barren area with access to a variety of minerals and see if you can bootstrap a small mining operation utilizing solar for power and small/micro scale industrial facilities that rely on minimal oxygen (ie no combustion).

The problem statement is: Find the least amount of equipment you need to transport to the site in order to be able to utilize local resources to supply a human colony with the necessary materials it needs to become established and grow. Even better if you can establish and grow the colony so that people can arrive later to an already established infrastructure.

Comment Re:Antarctica (Score 1) 137

I would like to see one or more antarctic bases become more self sufficient as a way of moving us towards an understanding of what it would take to sustain a human colony using local natural resources in a completely inhospitable environment. Basically, Antarctica just has air, ice and some rocks once you get away from the coast. What would it take to create a self sustainable human settlement there and could those lessons be applied more generally to the moon, Mars or Venus?

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