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Submission + - Do You Poken? (

roxx669 writes: Technology has revolutionized a lot of things, which includes how we socialized. Take the social networking sites for instance, in a positive perspective, it really helps people to find long lost buddies. I have an old friend whom I haven’t met for ages (since 1991), and we were reunited in Facebook. Amazing isn’t it?.

Submission + - Tim Berners-Lee creates new UK data web (

Alwinner writes: The BBC reports that web founder Tim Berners-Lee has unveiled his latest venture for the UK government, which offers the public better access to official data.

A new website,, will offer reams of public sector data, ranging from traffic statistics to crime figures, for private or commercial use.

Comment The Ig-Nobel rises in value (Score 1) 1721

I'm looking forward to getting next years Physics Nobel Prize because I have some great ideas about energy. I thought the Nobel Prize Committee made a serious judgement error when they gave the racist de Klerk of South Africa the Nobel Peace Prize together with the deserved winner Mandela a few year's ago. Now they've given it to someone who has great ideas but who is in charge of a country at war which continues to incarcerate people at Guantanemo Bay without trial. Maybe there will be more respect for the Ig-Nobel prize after this.

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