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Submission + - US cyber-security tsar steps down (

b1nary atr0phy writes: Melissa Hathaway told the [Wall Street Journal] she was leaving for "personal reasons" and would return to the private sector. The former strategist was appointed as acting national cyber-adviser in February and was expected to be offered the post of full time. Ms Hathaway was widely regarded as the person to fill the post after taking on the role as acting senior director for cyberspace for the National Security and Homeland Security Councils in February. In April she completed a review of cyber-security for the Obama administration. At the time, Ms Hathaway said the job ahead was "a marathon, not a sprint." Her successor has not yet been named by the White House.

Submission + - Wipeout HD loading ads scrapped after uproar (

RobotsDinner writes: "After yesterday's story about intrusive, loading-screen ads being retroactively added to the PSN racing title Wipeout HD, the popular uproar has indeed succeeded in getting Sony to pull them. You can put your pitchforks down; your voice has been heard!

Sony tells Eurogamer:

"The ad has been removed from WipEout HD and we are investigating the situation to ensure that any in-game advertising does not affect gameplay," said a spokesperson for the platform holder.



Submission + - SPAM: UTM for your Small Business

BAC1 writes: "Unified Threat Management can protect your small business network at the perimeter BEFORE bad things happen on your network. Just look what you get: ..Anti-Virus ..Anti-Spam ..Active Directory Sync ..Intrusion Prevention ..Intrusion Detection ..Content filtering ..Web filter ..Firewall ..IPSec VPN ..Remote VPN ..IM Blocking ..Real time reports ..Executive reports ..Administrator reports You take your business serious so take your business security serious — get Calyptix AccessEnforcer for Unified Threat Management."
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Feed Techdirt: Spammer Discovers His Insurance Policy Doesn't Cover $6 Million Spam Fines (

Scott Richter was a bigtime spammer, who was so proud of being a spammer, at one point he planned to release his own line of "Spamking" clothing (seriously). In 2005, though, he filed for bankruptcy (even though it appeared his spamming operations were still rolling in cash. That same year, there were reports that Richter had actually gone legit and he was actually removed from the infamous ROKSO list of known spammers (not an easy list to get removed from). Except... sometimes it's just difficult to stay away. MySpace sued Richter in 2007 and won a $6 million award against him (though, Richter claimed victory since MySpace wanted much more).

Now, Michael Scott alerts us to the news that Richter tried to have his insurance company pay the fines, but a court has now said that these fines were excluded from the policies, and thus Richter is on the hook for the fines instead. That seems like a good thing. It would be pretty troubling if spammers were able to buy insurance against getting fined.

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Submission + - Brits to get in-home CCTV cameras

BuisyBizz writes: The British Government plans to spend £400 million ($668 million) to install and monitor CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been running in 2,000 family homes. The government's "children's secretary" Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at problem, antisocial families. The government is also maintaining a private army, incredibly not called "Thought Police", which will "be sent round to carry out home checks." And in a scheme which firmly cements the nation's reputation as a "nanny state", the kids and their families will be forced to sign "behavior contracts" which will "set out parents' duties to ensure children behave and do their homework."

Submission + - KDE to be default on openSUSE? (

ingwa writes: "For some time there has been a discussion on the OpenSUSE feature tracking website about whether to make KDE the default desktop environment for that distribution. In a survey last year, around 68% of the OpenSUSE users preferred KDE and around 29% GNOME. Sebastian Kügler of KDE summarizes the debate well, and makes a strong case this is what the community wants. It would make a nice counterpoint to the way that Fedora has GNOME as the default desktop environment."
User Journal

Journal Journal: 60 Light-Year Debris Field From 1000 AD super nova

The story complete with a color pic found here.

"Because the distance to the supernova remnant is about 7,000 light-years, that explosion actually happened 7,000 years before the light reached Earth in 1006. Shockwaves in the remnant accelerate particles to extreme energies and are thought to be a source of the mysterious cosmic rays."

Better to blow up than to fade away...


Submission + - Korean 'Journalists' Booted From Defcon (

CWmike writes: "Four South Korean journalists were booted from Defcon this week after show organizers decided their story didn't quite add up. They believe that one member of the group was a legitimate journalist, but that the other three were on some sort of intelligence-gathering expedition. Hackers who the group interviewed at the show said that their questions seemed inappropriate, organizers said. The journalists attended one day of Defcon's Black Hat sister conference before being ejected on Friday. How do you spot them? One of the show's senior organizers, who goes by the name "Priest," said "There's a certain body type you find with people who are in that type of work [such as military]," he said. "Broad shoulders, narrow waist, not very tall. I'm looking at these guys, going, 'You're in far, far too good shape to be press.'" And he said government employees posing as press often move very quickly to technical questions, rarely showing any interest in the motivation behind the research. They get "very technical very quickly," Priest said. "They're much more interested in what the latest is and what the greatest is and how they can use it.""

Submission + - Defcon, Black Hat attendee finds more dodgy ATMs ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: As if it weren't enough that one bogus ATM was discovered collecting card details at the Riviera in Las Vegas where Black Hat and Defcon attendees were staying, one presenter suspects that ATMs at the Rio were compromised as well. Chris Paget tried to take out $200 and the machine never gave him the money despite debiting his account. At least five other people were affected. The hotel staff allowed the machines to keep running and threatened that Paget could be prosecuted for vandalism if he unplugged them. The Secret Service confirmed on Monday that they're investigating. It could be an inside job, or the machines may be infected with malware, as was found earlier this year in Eastern Europe.

Submission + - SPAM: Bruce Sterling laughs at "Singularity Food Fig

destinyland writes: "It's being called the Transhumanist/Singularitian Political Food Fight. PayPal founder Peter Thiel wrote "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible" in an essay published by the libertarian CATO Institute — prompting a disclaimer from the Singularity Institute for Advanced Intelligence. (Thiel also helps fund the SIAI, but the organization insists they're not exclusively for libertarians). Mike Treder, who heads the Center for Responsible Technology, argued "no more libertarians" and criticized the SIAI for claiming neutrality toward the controversy. And Bruce Sterling simply asked why "these advanced conceptualists arguing about suffrage for Artificial Intelligences?" and called the whole discussion "Transhuman, Singularitarian, and Cranky""
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