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Comment Re:Sub $500? (Score 1) 335

There are plenty of channels to be had over the air (OTA) with an antenna.
That is how I get my channels and then if I want something that is only available on cable (like HBO series) I just buy the season on DVD. I get a whole season on DVD with a bunch of extras for about the cost of one month of cable. Sure I have to wait till the season finishes before I can buy the DVD, but I'm patient.
People don't talk much about what they are currently watching where I work so there is no spoilers for me by accidentally overhearing conversations at lunch.

Comment Re:Sub $500? (Score 1) 335

$20 a year for a subscription to the channel guide is not really all that much, and in my experience the one I'm subscribed to is very accurate.

I used to use the precursor (Zap2it Labs) for my hacked (to work in Canada before Tivo had Canadian support) Tivo. Back then it was free, but they had problems with people abusing the system, so they went to a very cheap subscription model.

Comment Re:Imagine... (Score 5, Interesting) 374

Dad made it a condition of the sale that they not put the dealer sticker on it.

"but they all have the sticker, we put it on as soon as they get to the lot" said the dealer.

"You do not, you trade cars with other lots and they don't want your sticker on a car they sell" Dad said.

"But I'm not allowed to let a car leave here without it"

"Then you don't get my sale"

He got the car, and there was no sticker on it.

Comment Re:Sweet (Score 1) 553

Not sure where you live, but I bought some of these at IKEA. I have a 4 bulb vanity fixture above the bathroom mirror, I have kept one bulb as incandescent just because the CFL versions take a second to come on and I had guests flipping the switch up and down, frustrated that the light wasn't coming on instantly.

Comment Re:major suck (Score 1) 259

Not sure if you were trying to say Nano does more per watt than Atom or vice versa...

(I don't think you meant to say the Nano does more than the Nano.) ...but the rest of your comment, about getting more done in less time therefore not having to have the screen and hard drive running eating battery is only really true if you are doing a task that utilized the CPU at 100% until it completes and then you shut the machine off when it is done. which is probably true for some folks, but for the majority of users it is the user that the machine waits for, not the other way around. most of the time that you spend reading the info on the screen the CPU is sitting mostly idle. Turning off the screen won't help that, but having a more energy efficient CPU will help.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 693

Sharing as in playing it for you? or lending you my CD/iPod for the day?
No, absolutely not. There is no law against that.

"Sharing" as in allowing someone to make a copy? Iffy, I'm not 100% on US law, but certainly I know that making the copy for them would definitely be out. Since copyright laws are kind of lagging behind technology it's kind of up to interpretation by courts I think, but it seems to me that putting files on a server to be copied is seen by most judges more as making photocopies and handing them out than as running a copy shop and not paying attention to what people are making copies of.

It boils down to intent. If you put all your files out there in the open on a P2P network the assumption is that you expect others to be copying them, as that is the point of P2P file sharing.

Comment Re:last sentence (Score 1) 597

I agree with 4im.

I plan to get an eeePC someday soon.
I will buy a model with a big drive and 6cell battery. That means I HAVE to take XP. I'll be upgrading it to ubuntu 8.10 right away, so that XP licence sticker just gets used to legitimize one more XP based VM on my VMware server to play around with when I'm bored. I don't need or want XP on my eeePC.

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