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Comment The only thing i hate worse... (Score 1) 597

The only thing i hate worse than taking off those stickers is leaving them on.

My in-laws' just leave them on and it drives me nuts. I'm also the kind of guy who pretty much refuses to wear shirts and jackets with prominent logos. I'm sure you can see how mild anti-corporate sentiments plus a tendency towards some mild OCD-esque behaviors might come to a head on that point.

Comment Re:Where are the women? (Score 1) 150

No. We're not talking about genetic drives. The desires to join a community, attract a mate and produce offspring are not driving people away from science. They are completely compatible with a career in science. The fact that you don't seem to recognize that is just indicative of your own problematic attitude.

It's the cultural pressures which elevate those things to paramount importance such that people spend all their time pursuing them instead of other things. People (not just women) are not interested in science because our culture does not value it. How many of the last decade's Nobel Prize winners can you name from memory? How many cast members from Jersey Shore can you name memory? (Cue pedantic twit who has never heard of Jersey Shore in 3...2...)

Blah blah blah...kids these days rant...blah blah blah...get off my lawn!

Comment Re:Executive branch probing (Score 4, Insightful) 485

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Though in this case, i would substitute "conspiracy" for "malice," because malice does appear to be all over all over this, petty and impotent though it may be.

It's more likely that this is just some ambitious idiot in the FBI who thought Wikipedia and Wikimedia were related to Wikileaks and decided to take a shot at them. He/she probably knows that they brought down Al Capone on tax evasion and thought this might be a chance to do something similar.

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 878

This is why you got modded troll in the first place. They could tell that this was where you were going with it, Mr Anonymous Tough Guy on the Internet.

Although i personally would have gone with redundant or off-topic since these same sentiments can be found in about 20 other posts in this thread, expressed better and alongside some discussion of the actual relevant issue - wiretapping laws being used inappropriately.

Comment Re:If you've nothing to hide... (Score 1) 878

Roads, schools, firemen and, well, every other public service need funding. If backed by valid reasons, few people will contest a tax hike.

I don't know where you live, but around here, taxes are synonymous with communism and they reflexively vote against them.

Our public schools are ranked as some of the worst in the state and our state is ranked as one of the worst in the nation. Our teachers' pay barely puts them over the poverty line. Our roads are only getting desperately needed repairs because of federal stimulus money.

And still, every time a 0.01% tax increase comes up on a ballot they act like you're taking food right off their table.

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