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Comment Re:Lessons learned: None (Score 1) 288

The idea is that they expect it only to sell well in the States.

The states believe that no one in the states will be capable of cracking it within the 3 days to put up for the rest of the world, as opposed to the entire world having the chance to crack it before everyone in the states buys it.

Marketting 201.

Comment Re:My psychic prediction (Score 1) 465

Nah, you're entitled to your opinion. I'll agree that OSS isn't what most people herald it to be, its just software. Unless you plan on Forking it or adding onto it yourself, the open source part of it makes no difference in how it really operates. The OS community hasn't been any better or worse for customer support, in my experience.

I have tried using Blender for 3D modelling, after using some Autodesk products.

I like the price, but I can't actually do anything that I want to do with it, and its not a matter of learning the product, I've done that. It's that certain functionality isn't built in, and the people who have tried to add it on have gotten frustrated and left that project.

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