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Comment Many have reasons to be bitter (Score 1) 511

Many people have reasons to be bitter in the course of normal life it is a fact of living, It helps to define us as a culture to have adversity and loss that at times can be painful, and at times very personal. I thing the defining difference that exist is the support of the people that have have experienced this and had the help of others "not feeling like your alone" My personal experience with this is as follows. I was diagnosed with a serious degenerate muscle/neural disease young and was facing a shortened life span there is no cure just pain management and i was on very high doses of prednisone, I lost a friend in a drunk driving accident "he was the drunk" My brother hates me to this day for stopping him from going with him that night. I was a sickly 120lbs 6'1 got my ass kicked a lot for this,the boys father, a Vietnam vet who when he saw me the day of the funeral told me if i went he would kill me, shoot me dead. School also became a nightmare i lived every day, i could not talk to anyone, i was a villain for being happy my brother did not die that night, but sad anyone did die that night. I got distant from people and bitter. My last job i really needed for the money, ya know bills, I lied about my medical history to get it, i lost the girl of my dreams due to my bad mood swings who would have thought? Then my job, I was a model employee never called in never late,always did overtime had no problem with any others but was told i was fired and told to F*ck off. Soon after i became too ill to work anymore. Lost my car my home. For years i was under the believe he found out i had lied to get the job, and i understood. And then one day a friend of my ex girlfriend told me that my ex GF had been sleeping with the bosses son,yes shortly after finding out i was working there she did this for revenge i suppose. I was very bitter and became suicidal for a long time... I moved over a 1000 miles away severed all contact with anyone connected with my past and got married to a very kind wonderful person, have had some major drawbacks in my medical condition since my move but my life is still better then it ever was...I owe it all to the friends my wife and our wonderful children and my new life i have made here. Now at 40 year old i am a proud new grampa!

Comment Re:My experience shows a short path (Score 1) 727

My problems switching to Ubuntu is i break it, Alot.And i have no clue on how to fix it,last week i installed Ubuntu in VM, all went smooth, rebooted and attempted to reconnect my net back up and it was gone,NADA. Looked for a week for a fix. Have you ever googled Ubuntu connection issues? AHH! In windows i am a power user and when i break something i can fix it,or have a good idea how too. I do like Ubuntu in a VM. Will keep trying to get it right!

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