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Comment Re:Fermi Paradox (Score 1) 458

If you use the same logic, not observing God interacting with the world does not imply that God does not exist.

So many of the same arguments apply to both proving the existence/nonexistence of God and proving the existence/nonexistence of extraterrestrials. I love the X-Files; that series was awesome at comparing the two questions.

Comment Re:"12,000 [to] 200,000 years old" (Score 1) 172

You mean:

...found the seagrass was between 12,000 and 200,000 years old and was most likely to be at least 100,000 years old. (

The original article has wording that's more precise (

...The scenario of a km-range spread achieved exclusively through clonal growth requires that the clones reach a minimum age of about 12,500 years. Applying the same estimates to the genets shared between the two pairs of meadows, located 7 km apart between Formentera and Ibiza and 15 km apart around a cape in Formentera (Fig. 3), yields a minimum age estimate between 80,000 and 200,000 years, projecting the origin of the clones well into the late Pleistocene.


Submission + - Ubuntu 11.10 Released (

ubuntubuzz writes: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot for Final Officialy release and ready to download, Ubuntu 11.10 bring several changes that actually Good Looking !!

Submission + - Good CS High School Homeschool Curriculum?

dingo_kinznerhook writes: I grew up in a homeschooling family, and was homeschooled through high school. ( I went on to get a B.S. and M.S. in computer science; my mom has programming experience and holds bachelor's degrees in physics and math — she's pretty qualified to teach.) Mom is still homeschooling my younger brother and sister and is looking for a good computer science curriculum that covers word processing, spreadsheets, databases, intro to programming, intro to operating systems, etc. Does the Slashdot readership know of a high school computer science curriculum suitable for homeschooling that covers these topics?

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