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Comment I no longer flash lights to warn of speed traps (Score 1) 457

I really hate to fall on "what if?" arguments, but I on the local radio here they have a lawyer ( shoutout to ) on to answer listener's legal questions, and one time one posed a question very much like the situation here. His response was, "what if the person you warn is actually doing something bad? "

What if they are driving drunk and the flash snaps a tiny bit of sense into them, long enough to slow down a bit and drive straight, but as soon as they pass the cop, are off and weaving again.

What if there's an Amber Alert in the area, and the guy you flash those beams to has a kid in the trunk? What if you prevented him from getting pulled over for speeding, when the cops would've seen or heard...

I know it's logically fallacious and one-in-a-million, but I couldn't live with myself if I found out something bad happened because of it. The only downside of not warning oncoming drivers is that maybe they get ticketed.

That I can live with.

Comment Re:Suck it up, buttercup (Score 1) 383

Relax, sport, it was just a bit of sarcasm.

We handle things just fine. AD, Spiceworks, WSUS, and the like, many things that used to requite sneaker-net back in the day are either automated or can be addressed remotely.

If I could just get users to stop using their local Desktop as a cluttered filespace, life would be heaven. :)

Comment Re:After five years... (Score 5, Insightful) 655

...whatever you learned in school is already out of date...

Quite true, but as one of my professors said, "In this course, you will not learn how to code in Turbo Pascal*; you will learn how to learn to code, and then apply that to Turbo Pascal."

A good teacher can make all the difference to impressionable 18-yr-olds.

(*Yes, I am old)

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