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Comment Depends on the type of "tech support" (Score 1) 520

I never would have gone for a sit-in-a-call-center position myself. My degree form one of those cozy New England liberal arts universities was a BA in Information Technology. Some programming, some networking, some MIS, and so on, a grab-bag. I do tech support for a public K-12 school system, and I think its kinda fun.

In the end, find something to do that you simply enjoy. All else will flow from there.

Comment I would, and did (Score 1) 201

I don't read comic books...oh, excuse me..."graphic novels"....and what I know of Green Lantern is just from the old Superfriends cartoons of the 70's/80's.

For what it was, a fluff early-summer action movie, it was entertaining. standard comic plot devices...outsider/loner with daddy issues, a girl that is also desired by the nerds soon-to-be-supervillian friend, etc...etc...aside. Kindof a weak fight at the end...flinging prlalax-whatever into the sun just didn't feel satisfying...but you don't go to summer movies expecting Oscar material.

Comment There is nothing wrong with running XP now (Score 4, Insightful) 393

If you're still on Windows XP (and you're a home user) than you are an idiot. Update and move on for the love of god. The majority of Windows XP users will be corporate sheep anyway -- and they don't need to be using iTunes/iCloud anyway.

Times like these I wish I was more active here and had the points to spend to send your post into troll/flamebait oblivion.

People like you are the embodiment of that "your laptop/phone/tv is already outdated" tv commercial.

We don't need to ditch perfectly working computers simply to be on the latest-and-greatest side of things. I have XP at home, I play some older games on it, some stuff from Steam, and stream Netflix. It does what I want it to do, and I'm quite certain many others would say the same. Why should people spend money that they don't need to, just to appease some twitchy teenager on the internet who does the "OMG OLD" shtick?

Comment How to get rid of Amy+Rory? (Score 1) 332

I admit I am tiring a bit of the Amy+Rory soap opera saga, but can't quite envision how they are going to get phased out. I don't think the writers have the balls to kill one or both outright, esp if Amy is really pregnant, and it'd be too trite to do the "we want to settle down and not travel any more" out.

Comment Re:A big victory... (Score 1) 203

Then you don't know Utah. Utah is one of the strongest supporters of free speech.

Yes, ground zero for a religion that until the 70's still didn't let us pesky Negroes in, and who in many ways....deified crazy founder, belief in aliens on other planets, magic underpants, tithing...are little different from Scientologists.

Utah is just all about progressive, forward-thinking....

Comment Start with the Ninth Doctor, episode "Rose" (Score 1) 655

(didn't realize I was logged out, ignore the similar post from 'anon coward', haha)

I faced a similar situation a few years ago. I had watched a bit of the Tom Baker era (#4) but really not much since then. What I found was that they made a theatrical film in the mid-90's with doctor #8, but IMO after watching that, it served more as a code for the earlier series (as it began with #7 being killed) than as a setup for the next, which was not revived til around 2004.

"Rose" begins with the Ninth Doctor, but there's no real connection to the movie; he at some unseen point already regenerated, so it really is starting from scratch.


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