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Comment Re:Let the market decide. (Score 1) 528

The market is NOT the best solution for energy. The market will always produce too much energy from polluting sources.

Nonsense, the market is perfect for energy...

The reason it pollutes is there is no bill for the pollution... If we have, for whatever reason, decided that carbon is pollution, then tax it and be done with it.

Let the market come up with solutions, don't try and pick winners. The government SUCKS at picking winners, but it is pretty decent at picking losers.

Comment Re:For the last goddamn time (Score 2) 528


Yes, coal is indeed likely being used faster than it is replenished.

Does this matter if we have 50,000 years of coal in the ground?

The current estimates are based only on existing mines, the whole bloody planet is swimming in coal and oil.

Note: This doesn't mean I think we should burn it all, I actually don't. We just have a LOT of it...

Comment Re:Talking points? (Score 1) 528

The prospect of having him in power scares me more than Sarah Palin.

Now THAT scares me... that you'd rather have her than him.

She is an idiot who doesn't know anything about anything, at least Trump knows about business.

Yes, he is a walking ego trip, perhaps a blowhard and a PITA...

But he isn't stupid, he knows how to build things, and while he isn't my first choice, he is ahead of the other people running.

Have you stopped to consider that some of his comments of the past few months are actually quite carefully considered? He would not be getting anything close to the media attention without them, he is leading the republican polls, so clearly he is doing something right.

Why does everyone want to hire a lawyer or professional lifetime politician to be President, instead of a CEO?

Another example, Steve Jobs was a PITA to work for, he'd yell, scream, tell you were you a moron, yet he clearly knew something.

Some of the nicest people in the world would make for crappy leaders.

Comment Re:Talking points? (Score 0) 528

I'm afraid you're equating change with good.

That was not my intention... I thought I made that clear, but perhaps I didn't...

Trump is change. It's a big change. You get the possible benefits you've listed out. And you'll also get a raving lunatic on an ego trip. That's a marked change from the past 24-28 years.


Yep, all true, except perhaps for the lunatic part. You don't generally become worth billions of dollars by being a lunatic... unless there is a new use for that word I'm not familiar with.

I did say he has a massive ego and he is probably a SOB, but that doesn't make him wrong either.

Are the benefits of Trump's "big changes" worth the risk? That's for you to decide I guess.

Keep in mind that he would be held in check by Congress and the SCOTUS to an extent, we're not electing a king after all. So he stirs things up, he can reach across the isle, he can kick over a few tables. But he can't go too far, because he has to deal with Congress and consider what the SCOTUS will rule on as well.

Comment Re:Why solar? (Score 1) 528

Subsidies pick winners...

Government SUCKS at picking winners... It is much better at picking losers...

If we really want to get off coal and oil, tax carbon emissions and be done with it. Let solar stand or die on its own.

This way, if coal and oil become more expensive, the proper and best solution will come out, rather than the one picked by those in power.

Comment Re:Why solar? (Score 1) 528

My solar install (I did it myself as any self respecting engineer would do) will pay itself off in 5 years. My bills ran from $600 to $900 a month. The install in total; permits, fees, materials and labor came to $43000. I got 30% back as a Federal credit of $13k. That credit is not subject to AMT so my effective tax rate was 6% that year. Solar is a no-brainer for homeowners in southern states.

So, what you're saying is that if you can do the install yourself (which most people can't), you can use a $13k tax credit paid for by everyone else, and you have stupid high power bills because your house sucks, then solar makes sense?

Got it...

If you're a self-respecting engineer, did you bother to consider that a new HVAC system, new insulation, better windows, LED lights, etc, would probably have cut your bill by 30% or more and cost half of what the solar system did?

Just curious, but what rate are you paying for power? We just got a new power contract, it went down from last year due to the cheap oil and gas prices. Now paying 6.1 cents per kWh for the first 2,000 kWh and 6.8 cents per kWh after 2k. I live in Texas, part of EROCT, Texas/New Mexico PDC.

At those prices, solar is not even a consideration.

Comment Re:Why solar? (Score 1) 528

Uh Germany is run by solar and has the same cloud coverage as the US.

No, it isn't, but they are trying as hard as they can to make it look that way and spending a huge sum of money to do it.

What's more the consquences of continuing to use coal and oil is the extinction of the human race.

That is an opinion, not a fact. Even most of those who believe in AGW don't think it will cause extinction, rather just pain and suffering.

Denying the absolute necssity of deploying renewable NOW regardless of the faux cost calculations which ignore the cost of climate change

If AGW is real and the projections are correct, then "now" is far too late. This had to be done 30 years ago, we've passed the point where the proposed cuts will matter, if AGW is correct.

It is also worth considering what it will cost to adapt to AGW rather than fight it, that conversation isn't being had and it should be.

Comment Re:Talking points? (Score 0) 528

Fixed. He may be a relative fringe candidate, but as the election approaches, so will become Trump.

Sanders either doesn't know what he is talking about, or doesn't care.

I'll give you an example:

"Millions of Americans are working for totally inadequate wages. We must ensure that no full-time worker lives in poverty. The current federal minimum wage is starvation pay and must become a living wage. We must increase it to $15 an hour over the next several years."

That is a quote from his campaign web site.

That sounds really nice, and if you could just wave a magic wand and fix everything, it would work.

What it leaves out is that it will create lots of unemployment. He wants to ensure that no full-time worker lives in poverty. Fine, we'll just have to fire all full-time workers who don't make enough, then it becomes true.

We have millions of jobs that don't pay much because they don't require much. The supply and demand in the labor force is all messed up, too many unskilled workers chasing fewer and fewer jobs, this holds down the price of labor. Government can't change this basic market force just because it doesn't like it. We either need fewer unskilled workers or more jobs for them. Since government doesn't create jobs, all we can ask it to do is removed the unskilled workers.

Kicking out 11 million illegals would be a really good start, that would force up wages and fix a lot of the problem without needing to change the min wage.

Comment Re:Talking points? (Score 0) 528

Last time we had a Clinton, we shrunk the deficit down to zero and grew the middle class and the economy.

And you think Bill Clinton did all that?

Last time we had a Bush, we exploded the deficit, started multiple wars that we couldn't end, and crippled the economy.

And you think George W. Bush did all that?

Both of them are tools of the establishment, if you elect either one of them you'll get more of the same, because they aren't nearly as much in charge as you give them credit for.

Both are just puppets, doing what they are told.

At least Trump doesn't have to play puppet if he doesn't want to. Now, that doesn't mean he won't turn into one, but at least there is a chance of something else.

Comment Re:Samzenpus got hit in the head this morning (Score 2, Interesting) 528

BUT who cares, Cecil the lion is dead!

Yea, the outrage over that is amazing...

People are so stupid, I sometimes have little hope for humanity.

If you want to care about something, how about the thousands of miles of coral reef that China is destroying to build islands in the South China Sea? That is FAR more damaging to the planet than a lion dying.

But no one cares, because they aren't being told to care, because people are idiots and sheep. Which I guess isn't new, but it is sad. :(

Comment Re:Why solar? (Score 3, Informative) 528

First Solar, Recurrent Energy are successfully building projects and generating gross margins of 15-20% by selling power at 0.0387 $/kWh and .047 $/kWh respectively. They are doing it for 5 and 6 cents all over the world, even locations without subsidy. That is competitive with virtually any new energy construction

No it isn't, but thanks for playing. Note that you listed 2 rates, then noted it costs more elsewhere "without subsidy".

So those rates aren't real and couldn't be scaled up because they are being bought down with tax dollars.

You are clearly not up to speed on the technology, the production costs, the financing, or the global explosion in the industry.You have rested on some older state of knowledge too long. The technology awesome. The economics are extremely favorable. The only barrier is the transition to an enlightened long term view about power production.

The irony is that you need a mirror, you're the one with fantasy thinking...

Let me help you out with a specific, real example.

I just signed an agreement for power for my business. Thanks to the dropping price of oil and natural gas, my rate is going down for the first time in awhile.

I'll be paying 6.2 cents per kwh for the first 2,000 kwh and 6.8 cents per kwh for everything over 2,000 kwh. That is the total bill price. That is very cheap for such low usage and it includes everything, from power delivery to generation to taxes. The source of that power is a mix of coal, natural gas, and nuclear.

The same company can provide me with 100% renewables if I want it, 9.1 cents per kwh for the first 2K and 9.6 cents beyond that.

So renewables are 50% more than coal and natural gas where I live.

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