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Comment Re:And an NGO is what? (Score 1) 100

Why? I'm 34, have been to college, have a family, 2 kids, have a 156 IQ, and subscribe to the SF Chronicle, and keep up on current events. This is the first time I've seen the term NGO used in any context. Why would you expect an international audience from a multitude of backgrounds to have acquired your specific set of knowledge? Seriously self centered thinking there bucko...

Comment Re:Can I quit the government? (Score 4, Informative) 451

Troll - you lose. iTunes has never been capable of making DRM encumbered copies of CDs. Windows Media Player on the other hand has been capable of it, and in fact that was the default setting for several versions.

All music ripped via iTunes goes into non-DRM'd MP3, AAC, or ALC (Apple Lossless Codec). Any or all of the above formats can also be burned back to CD by iTunes. in fact, even the old DRM'd FairlPlay AAC files from the iTunes Music Store could be burned to CD.

Comment Re:this geek is clearly breaking the rules... (Score 2, Informative) 579

No, but armed robbery will land him in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

No, it will land him in a county jail. If it were a repeat or significant enough offense, he would likely end up in a state prison. Federal prison is for thos who violate federal laws - armed robbery that doesn't cross state lines is a local/state crime.


Submission + - Liquid Lakes Found on Saturn's Moon Titan

sighted writes: "For decades, scientists have wondered if the thick orange haze that shrouds Saturn's giant moon Titan hid lakes of liquid methane on the surface, but there was no way to confirm it, until now. Check out the striking images."

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