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Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 1) 757

Though I abhor reality TV shows, and mindless dross, I must admit that last year I got quite interested in the premise of "Beauty & The Geek".

While it was mostly mindless and exploitative it was interesting to watch the progression of the "Geeks".

Comment Re:Cool (Score 3, Insightful) 376

Raises hand.

The only time when I've worried about running (Debian) stable software on production servers has been towards the end of a releases' life.

In that case signatures for things like clamav were often useless. However right now I'm running entirely stable software and don't expect that to change for the forseeable future.

A lot of people seem to want the latest and greatest releases of software for no appreciable reason. (If they were hitting specific bugs I'd understand ..)

Comment Re:Can I disable the spam filtering? (Score 1) 135

I'd love to know what kind of levels of success you're seeing in capture and rejection of SPAM. But I guess that information isn't publicly available?

For what its worth I just published this document describing how my defunct anti-spam proxy service worked. It'd be great to see what other people do - sharing these kind of details would help everybody involved.

Comment Re:No, greylisting won't help (Score 2, Interesting) 85

Then the spammer dribbles messages in relatively low volume from these large number of IP addresses. If one of the spam servers encounters a host with greylisting, it requeues the messages to retry later just like a normal email server will because it's a normal email server.

I agree with everything that you say, however greylisting does have value in this situation.

The delay imposed by greylisting means there is more chance that the sending host's messages have been flagged as spam by razor, pyzor, or dns blacklists.

That is the value of greylisting these days, rather than the fact that it drops mail from badly written spambots.

Comment Re:Oooo ya (Score 1) 269

The problem with "notes" is that they might be contradictory, or fragmentary. Perfect examples of each would be Christopher Tolkien, and Brian Herbert respectively.

I think I've learned my lesson now - Regardless of how attached, disappointed, or involved I am I'll never buy or read any work which was created by somebody else after the author's death. They're always a disappointment, even if they shouldn't be.

(For example the upcoming "Douglas Adams" novel.)

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