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Comment Re:The modern Olympics are a farce (Score 1) 357

Any fool can tell the Olympics are about sponsorship.

London 2012 had to go round the houses to offer Fish and Chips to spectators - You could only buy Fish and Chips.

No chips on their own for you! Chips, (sorry Liberté Fries) on their own was McScumald's exclusive. The official fried potato product of the Olympics.

Comment Re:Hard to have sympathy (Score 1) 357

a distinct advantage in a pool filled with US municipal water, but foster drag with the softer/harder water in Sochi.

Skating is done on frozen water, pay attention. All the talking up of awesome unbeatable technology offers the poor loser the chance to blame something other than themselves. If they want to have an F1 style constructor's Olympics as well, then fair enough. Until then we'll be better off with uniformity of equipment - as far as that can be achieved.

Comment Re:Make it nearly 70 (Score 1) 521

What he means is that pick up trucks - as we call them ( flatbeds? - the things with no covering on the back.) are a rarity in Britain.
The first reasons that spring to mind are that we have a lot of rain (but so do some parts of North America), and we have a lot less space, so parking well off the road (to reduce risk of theft) is less easy.
In Britain, a plumber / builder / electrician with their own business has a van , not a pick up truck.

Comment Re:Bad call (Score 1) 611

You are making the mistake of saying that all deists/people of faith are biblical literalist christians. Presumably because they shriek the loudest in your country.
The largest Christian sect does not do this.
RC Christians are perfectly happy to be non creationist. There are many problems you can accuse Catholics of worsening, or turning a blind eye to, but this is not one of them.

Comment Re:Ungrateful krauts (Score 2) 606

Amazon are also terrified of any kind of precedent being set.

Their model is to cut all possible worker benefits to the bone; maintain a tax presence in only the friendliest, most cowed regimes while selling to people in better countries with functioning goverments and put a shiny face to the world in their shitty website.

Mail order (web shopping is mail order) is only useful in these circumstances - if you have a stay at home spouse, if you work at home, or for items small enough to fit through your door. Who wants to buy from a website for something big - who do I take it back to if it breaks? One of Amazon's "trusted partners"?

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