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Comment Re:Why is overflow so expensive? (Score 1) 281

I think your problem is that you are using the packaging setup for residential services.

Now if you use the Small Business packages you will find it to be much more for your money.

I know Cogeco does charge residential overage but absolutely does not charge extra for business overage.

Customer service tends to be friendlier when you are a "Business" as well. They also don't verify that you are a business so it's simply a matter of choosing that package.

Compare them yourself and you will shake your head at why somebody would pay for the residential package.

Comment Hearing Aid Phones (Score 3, Informative) 110

Where I work we sell super amplified phones for people hard of hearing. I sell a lot of them for people in factories or other loud environments. They are very loud and even have a boost function.


I'm sure other similar brands exist but this is the only one I have hands on experience with.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 647

My favorite this week:

Anti-Gay Minister Busted Using RentBoy.com!


You think they would focus on the actual sex trade (You know the people enslaving kids) rather than what deviant genre of porn people are into. Or what thumbnails from 1998 of child porn are cached on their computer.

Even when they book these evil fucks who rape kids they are usually out on the street faster than crimes as hilarious as Marijuana possession.

Remember kids, when faced with the dilemma to sell pot or rape somebody, think of the potential consequences and put on your rape face.

Comment Re:and... (Score 2, Informative) 201

Unfortunately the future of PC gaming through traditional (dedicated server) means is in jeopardy as far as mainstream titles are concerned.

PC games used to have an online edge because even if a game was created across many platforms the PC game would have Modding capabilities as well as dedicated servers. This edge would continue as games would become timeless and online play would only be limited by community support rather than some douche behind a desk crunching numbers.

Unfortunately this differentiation has been eroded by the idea that simplification sells.

SOURCE: http://modernwarfare2.infinityward.com/


Possible Breakthrough In Hydrogen Energy 326

destinyland writes "MIT researchers have developed a method of splitting a water molecule by emulating the way blue-green algae separates oxygen from hydrogen. One chemistry professor called it 'an extremely clever piece of work' that addresses 'the nanoscale organization of the components.' Using sunlight rather than electricity to make hydrogen from water could greatly improve the efficiency of the process. The hydrogen can be stored for generating electricity or burned as fuel for cars. The project is being led by the winner of a 2004 MacArthur Foundation genius grant, who uses genetically engineered viruses as templates for nanoscale electronic components. 'Suddenly, I wondered, what if we could assemble materials like the abalone does — but not be limited to one element?'" Here is the press release from MIT; the research paper is available only to subscribers of Nature Nanotechnology (or those willing to part with $18).

Comment Re:and... (Score 4, Interesting) 201

XBConnect is pretty sweet.

Allowed playing of the Original Halo online before Xboxlive existed.

Also allowed for playing of Halo 2 online well before the official release date

Not to mention all the modded Halo versions that can only be played online via a VPN

VPN allowed for much more freedom with regards to game choices and banning of cheating players.

Once again the community compiled something more useful than the locked down mainstream service.

First Person Shooters (Games)

Halo 2 Online Preservation Effort Ends 201

A couple weeks ago, we discussed news that some dedicated Halo 2 fans were keeping the game's multiplayer alive after support for online play was dropped. Now, a few days shy of a month after support ended, the last users have been knocked off the server. "[A user named] Apache N4SIR outlasted everyone. 'May 11th @ 0158hrs I was FORCEFULLY REMOVED!!' he wrote on the forums at Bungie.net. 'I thought I'd be the one turning off the lights but that was done for me. Good night everyone, my Elite needs a rest.' His last comrade in arms, Agent Windex, was still signed on, as spotted by Kotaku at 4 p.m. US Pacific Time on May 10, but their adventure, which began on April 15, ended after Windex announced 21 minutes later that he had been removed from play and Apache N4SIR suffered a similar fate hours later, as he described in his post."

Comment Re:don't forget squeezebox (Score 1) 139

The innards of the xbox can easily fit into a cheap home theater PC case. It also happily produces sound without a monitor.

I (and room mates) would never even be listening to internet radio without the xbox. It was just a natural fit since in Northern Ontario radio stations are pretty repetitive for ambience. Turned all of us onto music we would absolutely never be exposed to otherwise.

Most people have a few spare xbox's kicking around. I know I do, might as well hack the shit out of them and put them to work.

Comment Re:Got it (Score 2, Informative) 381

I guess everybody should start getting a little more worried about their open wifi connections.

Hopefully Cogeco will continue to charge overage fees to residential customers only. Us "Business" on commercial accounts aren't subject to such fees, yet.

I think Bell needs to work harder on providing Broadband to all Canadians rather than ripping off those who already have it.

Comment Simpsons Did It...... (Score -1, Troll) 565

Seriously though. I can just see Obama with 5 options in front of him.

President Schwarzenegger: Ach! Everything is "crisis this" and "end-of-the-world that"! No one opens with a joke! I miss Danny DeVito.

Russ Cargill: You like jokes, huh? Well, stop me if you've heard this one.
[holds up cage with the mutant squirrel]

President Schwarzenegger: [gasp] Look at all those angry eyes and pointy teeth! It's like Christmas at the Kennedy Compound!

Russ Cargill: Mr. President, you chose me, Russ Cargill, most successful man in America, to head the EPA, the least successful government agency. Why did I take the job? Because I'm just a rich guy who wants to kick some ass for good old Mother Earth. I want to give something back. Not the money, but something. That's why I've narrowed your choices down to five unthinkable options.
[spreads the files on the President's desk]

Russ Cargill: Each one will cause untold misery and...

President Schwarzenegger: [points to File #3] I pick Number Three!

Russ Cargill: Really? You don't want to read them first?

President Schwarzenegger: I was elected to *lead*, not to *read*. Number Three!

Kind of a Scary Prophecy when it's all in context, eh?

Comment Re:Microsoft !=evil? (Score 5, Funny) 131

"So is Microsoft no longer evil? I'm sure some slashdotters will find a way of turning this nice move by Microsoft into something sinister."

We all know this is part of the Microsoft agenda to convert human souls into Mechwarriors.

That little prick Gates is behind it all. His smug smile and endless charity all a guise to cover his plan for world domination.

Open your eyes people

Comment Re:So... (Score 4, Interesting) 262

My friend was recently run over (Age 20), crossing a highway drunk.

I thought it sucked when we found out and turned into the news to see his dead body, bloody on the highway. At the same time a select few saw the aftermath up close ("Cleaned up")These are things people see and have to clean up.

These images remind us all of our fragile mortality. I ride my motorcycle much more conservative since my friends passing.

If people saw reality more often, I think reality would become less grim as people realize how eggshell life really is.

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