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Comment Re:Darwin was right. (Score 2) 129

The easiest thing to do, is just stop reproducing. At least stop reproducing at these rates. We don't need for every couple to breed, one in ten could do us just fine for a couple of generations. Yes, there's the problem that the elderly depend on the young, but the biggest problem of all, is how many of us there are. We experience Earth's limited resources as more limited, the faster we consume them.

And I'd much rather see people not be born, than be born and then die a slow and painful death.

Comment Re:With More Disabilities Than Ever? (Score 1) 129

Human population growth. In some ways resulting in Earth population decline.

Personally I think a lot more should be done to reduce or cease increasing our numbers. Great, we can keep people alive for longer, and sure, more people alive as well. But why do we need more people? We did okay being below 1 billion for tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands, depending on how you look at it.

Comment Re:Go out for a walk (Score 1) 351

I was wondering about that; wouldn't music be different? It doesn't quite entrap your mind as someone talking does.

I also find that I go through my list of exercises more quickly when listening to music, than when listening to podcasts/youtube videos. And am more likely to run while out walking, than I am when listening to a talk.

Comment Should humans be brought back? (Score 1) 299

I initially read the title "If Extinct Species Can Be Brought Back... Should We?", as asking if we humans should be brought back, after having become extinct. So I'm going to respond to that, but I think it'll apply to these other species as well.

If there were someone capable of bringing us back, that all depends on that species. If their environment doesn't really benefit from having us around, then I wouldn't expecet them to bring us back. And with them being a species with similar capabilities as humans, with technology and a decent understanding of reality, I wouldn't think we could offer something significantly different. And they themselves would probably be the biggest negative impact on their own environment, so they really wouldn't need another species like them.

Comment Re:Standard Scientology practice (Score 2) 628

You're suggesting that religion doesn't cause great harm? You don't have to go to wars justified to the people with religion. Something as simple but widespread as hatred against homosexuals. People are being killed over this, but more so, people are killing themselves because of the social pressure, because of the hatred and imposed guilt.

Although I doubt most atheists think religion needs to be wiped out, that's a strawman more than anything else.

Comment Re:First Thetan! (Score 1) 628

No, no. Christianity is all about making you serve God. Everything else is there to get you to that point. Like the whole Jesus guilt trip. This guy suffered for you, gave his life for you. What are you going to do about it? Keep sinning without regret? And "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" doesn't work, it imposes your beliefs on your others. If you believe being gay is wrong, the golden rule says for you to call people out on it.

Comment We're already dead in 4 billion years (Score 1) 217

If we still depend on the Sun in 4 billion years, we're screwed anyway. Maybe we could've burried deep underground or something, shielded from the heat and toxic atmosphere, but we need to become a lot more mobile if we intend to live on as a species (not that it's likely to be the same species as it is today).

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