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Comment Re:Eliminate blackouts (Score 1) 253

Make every third drink non-alcoholic?

That would violate the rules of softball, because non-alcoholic beer is not a drink

"You can't leave first until you chug a beer.
Any man scoring has to chug a beer.
You have to chug a beer at the end of all odd numbered innings.
And the fourth inning is the beer inning."

Comment Re:You can't prove I didn't! (Score 1) 698

I recall an episode on TV about this very type of issue. In it the city of Springfield established an expensive Bear Patrol to stop an outrageous bear problem (one bear wandered into the town).

Homer: Well there's not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is sure doing its job.
Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.
Homer: Thank you, sweetie.
Lisa: Dad what if I were to tell you that this rock keeps away tigers.
Homer: Uh-huh and how does it work?
Lisa: It doesn't work. It's just a stupid rock.
Homer: I see.
Lisa: But you don't see any tigers around, do you?
Homer: Lisa I'd like to buy your rock.

Comment Re:"Expendable"? (Score 2) 55

before landing at the Naval Sea Systems Command Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC)

The drone then landed at a site. It seems like they didn't throw away the drone here, the buoy could have been pulled back in (I am guessing it was tethered).

I have other questions about the usefulness of this:
1. What is the range of the drone? Could it fly halfway across an ocean to find a landing spot?
2. Are these drones going to be able to do attacks? If so this could be a dangerous first strike vehicle controlled from halfway around the world, where folks have limited or no knowledge of what is happening on the ground.
3. How many drones can subs hold? If it is only a few then it can only do a limited number of surveillance (or attack) operations before it needs to dock or surface to get another drone, which would most likely take it out of the areas that need to be monitored.

Comment Re:Science isn't critical thinking... (Score 1) 710

You do realize that evolution can't be verified and proved? Macroevolution isn't reproducible testable science like newtonian physics or the germ theory of infection. A lot of these contrarians are just wanting that acknowledged rather than having Macroevolution presented as gospel truth.

If evolution can't be proved, how do you explain this: ? Basically at Michigan State they have been letting E.Coli bacteria reproduce in constant conditions over 58,000 generations. And amazingly, the bacteria reproduce more quickly now than they did in the original 1988 version.

Comment Re:Bottable == boring IMO (Score 5, Interesting) 285

If the gameplay is so simplistic that its bottable, then it's pretty boring to me. Studies have shown NP-hard problems are more fun, because they benefit from our natural ability to quickly choose a good path even if it isn't the absolute best. These kinds of challenges are harder to write bots for. So stop make your games less mindlessly boring and it's a win win for everyone.

As someone who used to play WoW. I can say that WoW, as most MMORPG's, has many difficult problems to solve in the game. Bots do simple mindless farming, they do not play every aspect of the game or compete against other players in PvP. I ran across a few bots while playing and I can say that they were easy to screw with. You could kill them or you could just kill what they were going to kill, and confuse the software a quite bit.

Comment Diabetes (Score 1) 201

Maybe I am misreading part of this article, but it says that "80% of the mice had accepted the grafts of insulin producing cells as their own". As a type 1 diabetic, I am looking at this as a possible cure for diabetes. I understand there are uses for this in organ transplants as well, but as a possible cure for diabetes this is huge.

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