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Comment Re:We did not made any permanent changes to earth (Score 1) 63

Not to mention the desertification, aquifer depletion and massive amounts of soil erosion in many parts of the world. Those may not take hundreds of thousands of years to recover, but meters of sod in the Great Plains won't reform without twenty years of intensive corn planting. California's Central Valley also isn't simply going to spring back several meters in elevation either...

Comment Re:No problem. Just price in the eco-balance ... (Score 1) 200

Coal was just an example. Natural gas an petroleum are both replete with issues too.

Your unsubstantiated statements appear to be based on dated and/or flawed information. On the other hand, here are some studies showing that life-cycle emissions of PV are on the order of 50g/kWh, orders of magnitude less than coal:

Comment Re:No problem. Just price in the eco-balance ... (Score 2) 200

GP appears to be alluding to externalities.

But your unsupported claims that solar are wind are more destructive are dubious. Certainly fossil fuels have enjoyed far more explicit subsidies and externalized costs. Do you have a reputable source pointing how production, use and disposal of PV and wind infrastructure exceeds, say the impact of mountaintop removal or strip mining for coal, the release of mercury from its combustion, creation of toxic coal ash ponds that spill into rivers, etc.? Not to mention all the side effects of emitting gigatons of carbon dioxide?

Comment Re:They killed the only effective tobacco cessatio (Score 1) 131

But there are rational reasons. While it's great that it helped you quit, it's also getting a lot of other people hooked. Vape pens may have been invented as a cessation device, but for many they are the scooter that seems safe and attractive... The only thing they have going for them is that it looks like few people move on to cigarettes from vaping.

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