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Comment Re:Umm, no (Score 3, Insightful) 724

The attempt was to discredit specific female games journalists, at least one of whom acted in a manner which was calculated to stir up outrage and was possibly unethical (for those of you who want to argue about whether or not her behavior was unethical, I am not interested in spending the time looking at what she did in order to reach a conclusion).

Even that's not accurate.

There was not attempt to discredit anybody, but rather exposure of corruption in the gaming press. Some of the people exposed were women, but most of them were men. This whole situation probably would have been ignored like every other instance of exposure of corruption in the gaming press, except about 20 articles were posted on the same day proclaiming the end of gamer culture because it was overrun with misogynists.

In particular, they pointed to a claim that a female game developer had had sexual relationships with male game journalists around the same time that they provided positive reviews of or financial backing for her game. The resulting ire was described by all (yes all, as in not one disagreeing) prominent gaming journals as misogyny and slut-shaming the woman in question, even though it was almost completely directed at the men she was purported to have relationships with.

As for what you have in parentheses, I also don't care whether or not one considers her behavior unethical. She is not a journalist. Rather, I care about whether the journalists acted unethically. Even if all of the original claims of corruption are false, it still seems dishonest and unethical that the games journalists have not yet addressed the claims at all, while instead accusing the accusers of being motivated by bigotry. Even if they are bigots, an ad hominem - or more specifically ad feminam - attack does not prove their accusations false.

Comment Re:HOw to tell a ridiculous sexual claim. (Score 1) 460

Why are you assuming that male sexual assault victims are rare? According to the CDC:

19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have been raped during their lifetimes.
1.6% of women and a negligible number of men had been raped in the 12 months preceding the survey.
Note: Forced or otherwise coerced sex is not rape unless there is penetration of the vagina or anus, or penetration of the mouth by a sexual organ, as per the definition given by the US DOJ.

43.9% of women and 23.4% of men have experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetime, including being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, and noncontact unwanted sexual experiences.
5.5% of women and 5.1% of men had been victims of these other forms of sexual violence in the 12 months preceding the survey.

That does bring up the question of why these other forms of sexual victimization are nearly identical in the short-term (93 men for every 100 women), but somewhat disparate in the long-term (53 men for every 100 women). Even if we assume that the groups of rape victims and victims of other forms of sexual violence are mutually exclusive, that's 72 men for every 100 women in the short-term and 40 men for every 100 women in the long-term.


Comment Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 1) 1134

During their lifetime, 19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have been raped*.
During the year preceding the study, 1.6% of women and a negligible number of men have been raped*.

During their lifetime, 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence, including being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, and non-contact unwanted sexual experiences.
During the year preceding the study, 5.5% of women and 5.1% of men experienced these other forms of sexual violence.

Female victims reported predominantly male perpetrators in all categories.
Male victims reported predominantly male perpetrators for rape, female perpetrators for being made to penetrate and sexual coercion, and a nearly even split for unwanted sexual contact and noncontact unwanted sexual experience.


*The US DOJ definition of rape: “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”


Comment Re:Regulations a bit premature (Score 1) 1146

I keep hearing the argument that CFLs start out dim and are slow to produce full light, and they die quicker.

This argument is just flat out wrong. I've been using General Electric CFL bulbs for years, and I've had zero issues with warmup or dying.

They come on instantly, and I only replace a bulb when one of the incandescent ones that came with the apartment dies.

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