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Comment Re:Javascript IS Serious Code. (Score 1) 421

It is a terrible programming language. This is in my opinion mostly due to the fact that JS commands are so far removed from what your system actually does. JS is a popular language because it can be used by pretty much anybody to produce quick results, but falls flat precisely for this same reason. It lacks the verbosity of more rigorous languages and this frequently results in some truly god awful code being produced. Learning JS as a first programming language is a risky proposition, as you may not gain a good understanding of what's happening behind the scenes. If you were then to learn a more "old school" language like C (for the sake of argument), you might find yourself struggling to understand its syntax, and struggling even more to create reliable, *fast* code.

Comment Re:Guns are an extreme case, but not the only case (Score 1) 444

They can be easy to learn, but hard to master. The kind of social skills needed to get by in life (that geeks are accused of lacking) don't take long to get the hang of, and as a result I shall encourage my descendants to explore their creative side first, and worry about what people think of them second.

Comment Re:Guns are an extreme case, but not the only case (Score 1) 444

It's a matter of relativity. It's not as difficult to best John Smith the Media Studies Major who blew his student loan on booze. Carmack and CliffyB are extreme examples, but it is not unreasonable to aspire to something like that when you are naturally motivated toward self improvement instead of social acceptance.

Comment Re:Guns are an extreme case, but not the only case (Score 4, Funny) 444

The thing about being social skills is that they're extraordinarily easy to learn. Go work in a coffee shop for a year and boom, you have all the skills you'll ever need. On the other hand, all that hackneyed, uninspiring haiku stuff that goes hand in hand with programming, tinkering, writing music and so on is actually much harder to learn. And will make you a bunch of money.

So while you're off fucking chicks in high school / college and enjoying the 5 or so years of your life where you mean a damn, the geeks are busy toiling away in their caves creating something cool. At about the post University level they emerge, get gym memberships, get jobs that require social contact and end up with the *really* good looking girls who were also socially awkward in school that would never have banged you in a million years.

So while you're rotting at the local pub, do spare a thought for those sex starved voyeuristic creeps, and their nice cars, big houses and sexy, intelligent wives.

Comment Re:Colour me a cynic for saying this... (Score 4, Insightful) 133

Anon doesn't deserve a downvote, the mod has been "nearly done" for a while now, it's pretty much the Duke Nukem Forever of mods. I do hope that the wait was worth it, and I shall certainly get the mod and see for myself, but cynicism in this case is quite forgiveable.

Comment Re:"Witchunt" (Score 2) 915

You know I was just thinking, what if the US are just scaring the shit out of Assange and know full well that the case would never stand up in court if Assange simply turned himself in. However they know that he absolutely won't do that, and they're having a helluva laugh about it while watching him self destruct.

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Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
