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Comment Re:All we need now (Score 1) 867

Yeah, in the Bay Area I see the results that began with Severson Co in So Cal where I grew up and got a friend his first job building the control systems for the first wind farms near Palm Springs. Within 20 years the farms have found their way into great places for supplementing power grids where before there was only windy valleys and freeways, and very little NIMBY complaints or depletions of bird and bat populations. Of course, I'm always reluctant to offer the real point of view of a typical Californian, since it's usually assumed that I've hugged trees more than people and raise pet buffalo instead of eating them.

Comment Re:Putting it on equal footing? (Score 1) 316

It's all about competition

Among the comments and concepts here, I find that precept to be the most damaging to education. Sports is clearly a competition and is given a higher (some would say artificial) value than, say, philosophy or fine art - both in the school and in society. In my own experience, I achieved greater understanding and had more inspiration (even in non-art venues like ditch digging) when I wasn't gunning for a prize, however all schooling and essentially all of society seems to be motivating people to greatness with the carrot on a stick or be punished by losing method. With whom was Einstein competing? How about the Curries, or Franklin? Maybe a "competition" sense can be assigned to people like Luther or Gutenberg, but I'm still dubious that beating out the Catholics or the Monks was really their motivation for invention and making advances in their fields. Why is it only that commercial values are judged as valuable?

Comment Re:That's retarded (Score 1) 339

The knowledge is what we need to hold dear, not the artifacts created in search of that knowledge. It's nice in a saccharine sort of way to have tangible evidence of where someone stood, but the real treasure is what that person did. If we sanctify the artifacts we tend to lose sight of the knowledge.

You have simply thrilled me with that insight, thank you; and I hope that other religious, political, and every manner of leader and follower lets it sink in before spouting off some kind of drivel about essentially nothing more than either geography or architecture.

Comment Re:It's amazing how low corporate execs will stoop (Score 1) 390

to be fair, I'm not convinced that 'day jobs' will let reporters REALLY do research.

problem is, almost no local paper does research anymore and its only the 'biggies' that can afford it. the biggies are also the ones we cannot trust as they are too much in bed with the subject they are trying to do research on! its a big mess.

smaller independants are more trustable but their budgets are down to near zero now. so where do we get IN DEPTH stories from?

answer: we don't. the gov will soon control the data flow and news flow (in our lifetimes, we'll see this).

we are witnessing a change in info flow but its not all good, folks.

It's called the Ministry of Truth. Everyone else merely feeds off of the "real" IN DEPTH and BREAKING NEWS that's RESEARCHED PROPERLY

Comment Re:5 dimensions? (Score 1) 239

bah. Buckaroo Banzai only needs 8 dimensions to finish brain surgery, rock the house with a trumpet solo, rescue the girl, lead a youth group into battle with a band of misfits, complete groundbreaking experiments, test pilot the vehicle for that very technological breakthrough, piss off the other scientist that went crazy trying to repeat that experiment the first time, establish diplomatic relations with one alien race, and save the world from another. In comparison, Chuck is an amateur who can only beat things up.

Comment Re:Inevitable post recommending Foxit Reader (Score 1) 211

The way I always describe why PDF is preferred over any other format for layouts is, "It's not a 'save as' format, it's a 'print as' format," and if they don't gloss over at that I continue with the difference between rendering a page on the screen to see it's size that isn't a paper size, or print to this printer which has different margins than that printer so what margins does the "file" have, and how PDF ignores all that because it's already been printed correctly and to it's own format for a page.

Comment Re:Wow.... (Score 1) 898

The plane comes in and just past my building does a hard bank that no normal 747 on regular business would ever do and from my vantage point appears momentarily to be making a bee line for the tallest building in NJ, 30 Hudson St which is owned by Goldman Sachs, an iconic investment bank that has taken TARP money and a highly likely target...

I see Obama's urging that the financial institutions clean up their act or else is now clear.

Comment Re:Life Jim, but not as we know it! (Score 1) 210

So, you have left handed gloves and right handed gloves, and you can't transform one into the other without doing something like flipping it through a fourth spatial dimension (strangely, flipping it through the time dimension will result in an opposite handed glove traveling backwards in time that's made of antimatter) or turning it inside out.

my brain just s'ploded...

Comment Re:tl;dr (Score 1) 420

When I go to McDonalds and the bill comes to $5.58 and I give the brain dead clerk $6.08 and she starts to cry because she can't figure out the change we have a seriously under educated populace.

i'm just getting sick and fucking tired of parents that want to shove all the problems onto someone else and when that someone else doesn't get it right they sue them.. i'm sorry but that someone else never agreed to raising your child..

It happened when the state started to demand that parents turn their kids over to their schools. You want to fix the problem? Look to the cause of the problem.

Quite the conundrum ya got there. So are the parents supposed to not turn them over to schools in order to to learn math, or is McDonalds supposed to because the schools aren't teaching math since parents are "forced" to turn their kids over to them and have more say about whether math or morality is taught?

Comment Re:Funny thing ... (Score 1) 300

So, if a kid spent the majority of his waking day playing games, gets exceptionally good at it, and was able to enter tournaments, win prize money, travel the world etc., would we then talk about his addiction, or would we be talking about his achievement?

Simple, and the answer is the same for every other achievement listed before it - the issue of addiction is not about how much you do a thing, it is about how doing a thing interferes with your healths.

Yes, that's an intentional "s" at the end of "health" because I'm not talking about a "good" or "bad" judgement, I'm talking about the normal functioning of a person's body, mind, relationships, and other aspects of life. Health means functioning normally, it does not mean a "good" function.

Yes, some people will think gaming (or business, or sports, or novelties) are a waste of time, waste of talent, or waste of space. So what? That's them being judgmental and they have to live with it. If an activity is not interfering with anybody's participation in life, it's not unhealthy. If it is, then it's unhealthy.

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