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Comment Re:Global market for talent (Score 1) 441

Race to the bottom then, for all employees? Corporations, even though they have not been elected or are properly under democratic control, have more negotiation power than the employees?

That cannot work for too long, sooner or later a revolution will come. Either that, or massive military suppression of the people.

Comment Changing attitudes, i.e. brainwashing (Score 4, Insightful) 143

I hope and think that the brainwashing of the younger "freeloading" generation will fail.
It is truely disgusting to see the attempts to brainwash the people to protect vested economic interests.
The collateral damage to prevent sharing of bitstreams is just too high.
We cannot prevent this, neither with laws nor with brainwashing. Sharing is just too easy and natural.

We'll have to adapt our economic model to the new reality instead, the "new normal".

Comment Re:To what end? (Score 4, Insightful) 219

No they don't. The supreme court actually has something to say in Germany, and its constitution is pretty strong (also in practice) w.r.t. privacy and citizens rights. I'm not german myself (but living near germany). My impression, also from German newspapers etc., is that most germans including politicians are truely mad and are seriously considering to cool down relations with the USA. The USA is risking to loose one of the few remaining friends it has in the world.

Comment Respect must be earned (Score 4, Insightful) 173

Times that policemen got respect automatically are over. The enforcement of unjust laws, such as most related to the war on drugs, undermines public respect for the police, at least amongst a large minority. I think that it the greatest danger of unjust or ineffective laws.

The best thing the police could do to improve its image, would be to advocate the abolotion of unjust laws, even if these provide them with easy money.

Comment Re:NASA Proposes "Water World" Theory For Origin o (Score 2) 115

Fortunately, if there Is a real God, I suspect "he"s not going to be that hung up on whether his creations beleived without evidence or not.

Most religions claim otherwise. I think those religions that "survive" the competition from other religions (like an evolutionary process), are those that "procreate" well into the next generation.

Therefore, successful religions must force people (with the threat of divine punishment) to adopt the theory, like belief in god.
Religions that would not mandate a belief in god, and promise punishment to those that don't, would die out fast.

Comment When robots do 90% of the work (Score 1) 676

then the government transfer will either be somewhere between 90 and 100%, or if ower, a significant amount of the population will starve.

Long term joblessness is bound to go up to extreme levels, meaning we get a lot of spare time. I just hope a system will be in place to redistribute wealth. If not, future looks really awful.

Comment Re:Always AUFS ... (Score 3, Interesting) 201

Yes I discovered AUFS a while ago and it is really great.

I use it to backup to 5 disks (of various sizes).
Need to backup 10TB to a bunch of disks, but in the case of a disaster I want to be able to read individual disks without setting up a (software) raid array when restoring from an emergency. So I joined 5 disks of various sizes, 10TB in total, together with aufs and write to the aufs device. Aufs ensures that files are written on one of the disks, the one with the most space left.

Later I can take an individual disk and find part of all files on int, or put them together in an aufs-setup and restore in one go.

Raid-JBOD has the drawback that loss of one disk (in the backup set) means loss of all of them.
Raid-5 is more complicated and fragile for restores, and wastes 1 disk for parity, which is not required for a backup (the live system already is raid-6).

(and yes, I've got two backups).

Comment Re: FFS (Score 1) 456

5-10% of most mammals, including humans, are gay. That leaves more than enough people to procreate. What utter nonsense.
Would you also exclude or stigmatize priests or nuns? Or anyone that doesn't procreate for whatever reason?
Or the 0.5% of the population that have another deviation that obstructs their procreation, such as infertility? You want to stigmatize those?

Please think again and be very ashamed.

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