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Comment Re: FFS (Score 1) 456

5-10% of most mammals, including humans, are gay. That leaves more than enough people to procreate. What utter nonsense.
Would you also exclude or stigmatize priests or nuns? Or anyone that doesn't procreate for whatever reason?
Or the 0.5% of the population that have another deviation that obstructs their procreation, such as infertility? You want to stigmatize those?

Please think again and be very ashamed.

Comment Re:Billion ... with a B (Score 1) 620

Please stop calling it the war on drugs. It is a war on people that want to decide for themselves what they ingest, instead of letting lawmakers decide over my own body. It cannot be called a war on drugs, it is a war on people owning their own body.

I for one, will never accept that I am "allowed" to ingest alcohol but not other substances that I prefer and know to be less dangerous.
If justice wants to regain respect of the population at large, they must stop this.

Comment Mandatory health insurance is widespread (Score 1) 565

In most western democracies there is a system of mandatory health insurance.

The reason is the same everywhere: we do not tolerate that in a civilized society people have to die just because of money. Any other society is barbaric in the eyes of most enlightened people.

You can either pay everything from the general budget (like the UK's NHS) or pay through some (often income-dependent) insurance premium, which has partially the character of a solidarity tax.

If it were not mandatory, you would have to fund it otherwise, like via income tax.

Do you really rather live in a society where people that have bad luck have to die so you have a bit more wealth?!?

I think 95% of all non-US citizens are appalled and shocked that this is even worth a discussion in the USA, and this is a sign of the extreme egoism and selfishness of parts of US society.

Comment Re:But does it change anything? (Score 1) 245

The red terror had a message for their 'own group' and wanted to wipe out their enemy. Just like Al Shabaab yes.

But the enemy for red terror was maybe 1% of world population, for Al Shabaab it is 90% or more.

Also the 'detail' of suicide has quite large practical implications. If you would assume any terrorist would always try to get out alive, lots of potential attaacks become much harder.

These two facts, especially in combination, make quite a difference.

Comment Re:Still no encryption... *sigh* (Score 1) 297

I use LUKS on dmraid, which works quite well (and using ext4 or xfs on top of LUKS).

I've been looking at ZFS encryption since 2007 but it never materialized (except for solaris 11).

Given the choice between a general OS with LUKS+dmraid or something wonderful like ZFS but having to use an obscure (nowadays) OS, I'd go for the first choice.

Comment Re:AI and robotics and jobs (Score 1) 625

It is possible to divide the remaining work fairer over the workforce. It was done in the 1980 in the Netherlands (but retained long after it was necessary and became very expensive later), where people reduced their working hours by about 5% in order to create 5% - overhead jobs.

In fact germany did a similar thing in the last crisis.

Civilization has progressed a bit since the Romans. Fair distribution of work and money is possible in some of todays political systems (the USA is not one of them currently).

Comment Re:Maybe overturning an election (Score 1) 381

Only the election was not really democratic. Democracy is more than just holding an election and giving all power to the onewho got 51%.
For example, Egypt did not have a constitution and the process to get one was completely flawed.

The consitution is supposed to keep the government of the day in check and prevent dictatorship of the majority.
That was going all wrong, so something had to happen.
Of course what happened now is bad.
But it is questionable who is to blame and if better options would have existed.

Comment Re:Disappearance of E-Ink (Score 1) 323

The Nexus 7 (old model, haven't got the new one yet) is a really good e-book reader (e.g. with kindle app). It is so small and light that it is easy to keep in one hand and read. Unlike my Kindle and ipad, who both are too big and heavy to hold in one hand while reading i.e. for longer periods of time.

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