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Comment Re:I thought this was the whole point? (Score 5, Interesting) 652

1) Let them (the stupid people) starve

They are not going to starve. If there's one thing to learn from poverty, it's that it makes people revolt and rebel. Welfare is a means with which to pacify the poor so you'll have at least some form of social order in a society where unemployment exists.

Comment Re:Vista (Score 1, Informative) 341

I have to agree. I installed Vista after purchasing a new rig with 6 GB of RAM, and installed 64-bit Vista to see it perform more than adequately. I am currently running Windows 7 RC1, and have not seen the performance increase compared to Vista that many people are proclaming; W7 is running just as smoothly as Vista was.

Comment Re:Chimera (Score 1) 85

Maybe. But then again, mutations happen in our body all the time. Sometimes they are detrimental to the cell's functioning, in which case the cell either repairs it or kills itself. Sometimes they are neoplastic, in which case the cell develops into a tumour cell and either thrives or is killed by the immune system. Sometimes the mutations don't matter much (i.e. the mutant protein functions like the original one), in which case we may see a situation where there exists different versions of genes within one individual.

Comment Re:warning! (Score 1) 245

For the good of this country, we need to concentrate on making sure our best students get the best education. This should be a higher priority than trying to make scientists out of juvenile criminals and bullies. Society doesn't need, and will never get 100% genius-status for all students, anyway. Attempts to make this happen will likely drag us all down.

But do you have a plan for those juvenile criminals and bullies? Or are you just going to let them grow into adult criminals and get stacked into the already-overpopulated prisons?

Comment Re:it stops apoptosis (Score 2, Interesting) 385

Developing mutations that enable tumour cells to evade apoptosis is one of the crucial methods by which they achieve malignacy. If we introduce a drug that prevents a cell from committing suicide after irrevocable genetic damage, we significantly increase the odds of cancer. That drug is, effectively, a carcinogen. However, if the alternative is death from the stochastic effects of radiation exposure, maybe the drastic increasing in cancer probability is an acceptable downside.

Comment Re:Sick priorities (Score 4, Insightful) 167

Leaving aside the technicalities of the project for a moment, these are strange priorities. India is not the only country to have lots of starving people and homeless, but instead of feeding them or building homes, they are to piss billions of Dollars giving them ID cards for the New World Order to track them.

I think they aim for this move to benefit the poor as well. When they have an ID number it's going to be easier for them to use their rights, such as voting or obtaining state handouts.

Comment Re:Thought crime (Score 1) 778

I actually agree that punishing people for insulting a religion is an archaic concept that should not be enforced. Criticising someone for a choice they've made (an ideology, a religion) should not be forbidden by any law. That having been said, I would like to point out that there is a difference between civil criticism and hate speech. If you say that religion is an irrational belief system based on superstition, that should not be construed as hate speech. But if you brand all Muslims as gun-toting terrorists, you've crossed the line from criticism to bigotry.

Comment Re:What is free speech? (Score 0) 778

This is probably the most insightful post in the discussion, and it got modded Troll. As far as I'm concerned, you hit the nail on the head. As members of a society we necessarily waive certain freedoms so that others can have theirs. We can't kill, fuck or steal whomever/whatever we want. We should be free to do what we please, so long as we do not infringe on other people's rights to do the same. Hate speech isn't an irrevocable right, because it compromises the target's right to safety. Analogously, I can't punch a person in the face or take their wallet without expecting repercussions from the rest of the society. In real life, there is no such thing as absolute freedom, and it is infantile to suppose so.

Go ahead, burn your points and mod me down. I got karma to burn.

Comment Re:Thought crime (Score 4, Interesting) 778

This is old news in Finland. We have had at least 4 convictions on dubious basis within one year. "Insulting" muslims and negroes seems to be verboten while insulting christians and white males is ok. 1984.

As a fellow Finn I must say that I have not heard of such dubious convictions, and would be interested in seeing some proof of such. I would also like to point out that those who insult "muslims and negroes" in this country are overwhelmingly white Christian males. If there were widespread racism on the part of the non-white non-Christian population toward the ethnic majority, I can assure you that the yellow press would be all over it. It would be too lucrative for them to downplay it. So far, there has been no word of such, so I have a hard time stomaching your allegation that "insulting christians and white males is ok."

Also worthy of note is that insulting Muslims, Christians, Blacks or Whites is perfectly allowed and legal in this country, as long as you don't insult them for being Muslims, Christians, Blacks or Whites.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
