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Comment Re:Green cars (Score 1) 496

Crash test results for the Hummer H3 and the Honda Fit suggest that the driver and passengers of both vehicles would fare well in such a collision.

Incidentally my mother in law recently bought a car. She wanted a big car as they are safer. I assured her crash test results were a better indicator of fitness in an accident than size. She revised her opinion. She now believes that a big car with a good safety rating is safer than a small car with the same rating.

Never let evidence based science stand in the way of folk wisdom and intuition.

Comment Re:Marketing trumps Quality (Score 1) 745

An objective comparison of the features of a Harley Davidson and pretty much any other motorcycle in the world shows that the Harley costs much more while offering much less. It is expensive, heavy, loud, primitive, guzzles fuel while offering pedestrian performance, handles like a boat and brakes like one too.

But people get Harley Davidson tattoos, wear Harley Davidson jackets and t-shirts and, where the law requires a motorcycle helmet, wear black open faced helmets that offer the minimum possible protection in the event of an accident because it is part of the Harley aesthetic.

If you want a really good bike buy a Japanese bike. If you want a really good bike for more money buy a German bike. If you want 1950s technology for even more money again buy a Harley, but don't kid yourself you're doing it for any reason other than to buy into the lifestyle and culture associated with riding one.

As for Macs, I've owned a few. They cost a lot of money, you have to wear a skivvy while using them, they might be reasonably powerful but OS(u)X makes pretty short work of the power on hand to deliver abysmal performance on anything shy of the latest models. And for any real work I go back to my old PC running XP Home. Because unlike the Mac it really Just Works. And I don't feel dirty, cheated and disillusioned every time I use it.

Comment Re:I'm gonna .. (Score 1) 282

The article links to a PDF of a report from the Linux Foundation on Linux kernel development. The report makes shows that the majority of changes to the kernel in recent years have been made by programmers being paid to work on the kernel by companies like Redhat, IBM, Oracle, etc. The report does not mention development of anything other than the Linux kernel.

Comment Re:Yeah Ubuntu is "great" (Score 1) 727

Driver problems with new hardware are not exactly unheard of in Windows.

Based on observation of my friends behaviour I predict that a normal XP user confronted with a problem with Ubuntu would do exactly the same thing they do with a problem in XP (or Vista or even OSX).

They'd ask me to fix it.

Comment Re:And what about five years from now? (Score 1) 674

Semi reliable(ish) sources assure me that historically Word saved by serializing the document to a file. To reliably restore the layout and formatting of the document you pretty much need the version of Word that was used to save the file. If you have a sufficiently complex document created with 3.1 era Word good luck opening it with the latest version of Word.

You're never going to run into this problem with TeX.

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