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Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 637

Haha, by their own lights all cranks think they have the truth. Afterall, you probably think you know better than all those scientists, probably because of some lame conspiracy theory. The simple truth is that cranks of all kinds hold the opinions they do because they pay no immediate price for their false beliefs -- and if they /changed/ their beliefs, they could pay an immediate price in terms of status, friendships, or even their job. But scientists are in it just for the money, right?

Comment Re:been there don't that (Score 1) 637

Yeah, the world will be a better place if large parts become uninhabitable, and sea rise destroys most of our property, and we have to move agriculture. Heaven forbid we pursue any of the near-zero cost solutions that take money away from major GOP donors. I mean, think of the crime of asking Koch and Exxon to come up with new business models!

Comment Re:slowly unfurling crisis? (Score 2) 637

Climate was a lot different in the past as well, e.g., sea level was 70 feet higher. The sun was a lot dimer in the past as well. Change isn't the problem, but the rate of change can be. I wish you could see how facile your argument is... but you're probably just dreaming up other ways why you are right and I am wrong.

Comment Re:Interesting person (Score 1) 284

Forcing someone to act in violation of their personal convictions just because YOU think you are right is intolerance.

You may be right. I'm curious: what would you say to those people who were denied marriage licenses because one partner was white and the other black?

The notion of "what is okay" and "what is not okay" is far more powerful than laws. So the world is getting smaller, and activists are telling people that gay is okay. That's just the world live in. Objectively speaking, teh gay is mostly biologically based. I'd be surprised with disgust and prudishness are not mostly biologically based as well. If it is a question of weighing one person's disgust against another person's life and happiness, I'll choose the later any day.

Comment Re:Noocular (Score 1) 298

There is some truth to what you say, but you are neglecting the bigger picture. German (and Danish) engineers are being pressed into solving a difficult but not insurmountable problem: how do you build a robust grid from renewable energy sources. The critics said they wouldn't get past 3%. There will always be nay-sayers. Still your point stands: for the time-being Germany is depending, in part, on the French nuclear industry, and the Russian gas industry too.

Comment Re: No, not really (Score 1) 298

So if you truly care about the wellbeing of people, you'll promptly STFU because CO2 isn't a toxic threat!

You wouldn't care less about the science if it had nothing to do with economic change. But because it does, the science must be wrong. And you know this because you read blogs!!! You are so SMART!!!

Comment Re:No, not really (Score 1) 298

It's having an economy with enough demand for labor that people can get jobs and earn their own way without relying on forced charity from their neighbors.

The German mixed-market economy is underwritten by sound economic analysis. They 3% during the great recession. When was the last time the USA had 3% growth? If you grow the pie, then the "forced charity" is free.

Most people in the USA want to run the economy according to the moral code: "what is mine is mine". That is great and all, but it just isn't serious economics.

Comment Read this (Score 5, Informative) 276

Read Trust me, I'm Lying -- it is a book by a self-confessed media manipulator who got depressed and left the industry. He worked for an apparel company. One example tactic was to take sexually explicit photos of porn stars, and then complain about said photos to feminist groups. And then: OUTRAGE!!!

The story of ACORN is a perfect example of how media manipulators manufactured a scandal -- literally creating reality for movement conservatives -- in order to shut the group down. To this day, some GOP congress critters are unaware that ACORN is defunct. The interesting thing is, the more outraged a person is (politically), the easier they are to manipulate. It is all rather ironic.

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