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Comment Re:Rent-a-cop oversteps his bounds in shock horror (Score 1) 566

Speaking only for my city, but most of the college campuses around here are just basic security - typically with phones around campus that are direct lines to nearby police stations, or even 911.

Also, a large part of why we (security officers - and thank you for using the correct term for us) end up bitter and pedantic is because people ignore us and treat us like we're not people - much like those who work in menial customer service positions. If someone's a fucking idiot, it doesn't matter what their job is - they're still an idiot.

Submission + - Zombie Apocalypse in St. John's (

silentbrad writes: Commuters in the St. John's area who might have been expecting a heads-up about construction delays were instead warned about something else: zombies.

Comment Re:Just for rioting? Seriously? (Score 1) 397

I don't know about where you live, but (as far as I know) most cities in Canada have a Crimestoppers hotline if you witness a crime, and the occasional commercial or news spot asking for help identifying suspects. From what I gather, this is pretty much the same thing, only people started on facebook rather than waiting for the poorly reenacted commercials to start airing.

Comment Re:Just for rioting? Seriously? (Score 2) 397

Thing is, it's not just "a video from one guy". I was watching CBC, and they were showing crowds with enough camera flashes going off that I think if one of the rioters was epileptic, he would have gone into seizures by just looking over his shoulder. Many dozens of cameras and phones lifted up to catch what was going on. Someone higher up mentioned photoshopping in someone you don't like, which wouldn't work because of the twenty or thirty other pictures of the same scene without that person there. And other people have mentioned that the police are asking for their help. To address your initial point, the vandalism, and even assaults that resulted in the most minor of injuries, are all crimes. It's their job to try to catch, and prosecute, the perpetrators, whether or not it's a pain in the ass to do. Even arresting one person with evidence from multiple sources would be a win, as far as I'm concerned.

Comment Re:Fox News Weasel Words (Score 1) 421

Not quite.

The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games,” she said.

That bit suggests that there has been an increase in the amount of rapes, some of which can be attributed to video games. Using your sentence:

"The increase in racism can be seen by some as a result of reading Fox News, especially in localized areas that national statistics wouldn't be able to pick up."

Comment Re:Is truly non-partisan? (Score 1) 364

The petition sends an email when you sign it. Basically, every person mentioned above the form (currently Industry Minister Tony Clement and BQ Leader Gilles Duceppe) gets a separate email from every person who signs the petition. That's what I gathered, at least, from the email I got from Ignatieff. It was a reply, containing the original email, in which he (possibly) typed my name, and then copy/pasted a scripted reply.

Comment Re:Right on! (Score 2) 364

Exactly. I posted a link a little ways down in which Netflix's CEO says:

"costs to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the consumer is less than a penny, and falling, so there is no reason that pay-per-gigabyte is economically necessary"

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