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Comment Re:yes, please. (Score 3, Insightful) 564

I call bullshit. Did the SEC demand that mortgage brokers hand out NINA mortgages (no-income, no-assets)? No, the upstream demand for mortgage-backed securities is what drove the availability of cheap money. And since those mortgage-backed securities were AAA-rated, everyone wanted to invest! Until the house of cards fell down. Blaming this on the little Community Reinvestment Act, which amounted to a tiny fraction of subprime loans, is ludicrous.

Submission + - Military charges Bradley Manning in Wikileaks leak (

GovTechGuy writes: Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has been charged in connection with his alleged leaking of two classified videos and hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables to the online journalism site Wikileaks. Manning, who is currently being held in Kuwait, allegedly confessed to former hacker Adrian Lamo that he was the source of the controversial "Collateral Murder" video of a July 2007 airstrike near Baghdad.

Comment Re:Really difficult surgery (Score 1) 72

There's a new "look" for robotic surgery that uses intraoperative imaging (ultrasound, MRI, CT, fluoro), as the "eyes" as opposed to cameras, which merely duplicate the function of the eyes. It will be especially useful for percutaneous operations, but the possibilities go beyond that...

Steampunk Con Mixes In More Maker Fun 50

California has once again been blessed with another steampunk convention, this time to be held in Emeryville, CA on March 12-14 as the "Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition." This year's event promises to mix in much more of the DIY/maker flavor for a greater hands-on feel. Steampunk has been gaining much broader appeal in recent months with the continued growth of maker communities, and the many delightful varieties of music and literature. The con will feature, among other things, a 2 day track of 2-hour how-to, hands-on, and interactive workshops gear towards makers, DIY-ers, mad scientists, and evil geniuses. Of course, if you are an evil genius you probably don't need a workshop except as a gathering for potential test subjects.

Comment Re:This is very odd... (Score 1) 146

It does happen, but Cheney was obviously very careless in shooting his friend in the face. It wasn't some random hunter a quarter-mile away, it was a member of his hunting party. If the NRA had some principles, it should have criticized Cheney's lack of judgment. Isn't gun safety one of their goals? The best part was when the victim *apologized* for being shot in the face. Can you imagine being put in that position?

Of Encrypted Hard Drives and "Evil Maids" 376

Schneier has a blog piece about Joanna Rutkowska's "evil maid" attack, demonstrated earlier this month against TrueCrypt. "The same kind of attack should work against any whole-disk encryption, including PGP Disk and BitLocker. ... [A] likely scenario is that you leave your encrypted computer in your hotel room when you go out to dinner, and the maid sneaks in and installs the hacked bootloader. ... [P]eople who encrypt their hard drives, or partitions on their hard drives, have to realize that the encryption gives them less protection than they probably believe. It protects against someone confiscating or stealing their computer and then trying to get at the data. It does not protect against an attacker who has access to your computer over a period of time during which you use it, too."

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"Hey Ivan, check your six." -- Sidewinder missile jacket patch, showing a Sidewinder driving up the tail of a Russian Su-27
