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Comment Re:what to do, what to do (Score 1) 553

Your model will only work if it is a correct model. How can you discriminate between an error in the model and an external influence? Both will manifest themselves as deviations between reality and the model. Your premise that "there is no magic" will lead you inevitably to conclude that the model is at fault, which would quite often be the case, but following that line when an external event was the cause of the deviation will only make your model more incorrect. Now, if your model con incorporate those "external influences", they would not have been external in the first place, would they?


P.S.: Not advocating either for or against ID. Just following the logic in the argument.

Comment Re:The competition is OSX (Score 1) 792

On Windows normal users will avoid the CLI because of its sheer uselessness. Compare what you can do on the Windows CLI with what you can do on the Linux CLI, and you see the appeal of making use of it in Linux. Now, OSX being BSD underneath, I would expect it to have a powerful CLI that the power user would make use of. As for me, all my Windows machines have Cygwin on them and I make heavy use of it.


Comment Re:Why isn't anyone asking the REAL question? (Score 1) 590

Any given game is supplied by a single publisher. That means the publisher has a monopoly on said game. Supply and demand has no bearing on monopoly prices. Economics 101.

Price fixing happens when multiple suppliers agree on a price level instead of competing between themselves. The publisher has no other supplier of the game with whom to agree a price, thus no proce fixing.


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