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Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

Don't be obtuse, do you know what the I in IED even stands for? Improvised. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Estes model rockets could be modified to carry a payload.
Explosives are still made often enough that you know it's possible.

For the record, I'm not advocating any of this, I think people talking about that kind of conflict not as a hypothetical scenario are harmless crackpots at best and dangerous at worst. But there's no need to be illogical about any of it.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

So to make sure we better understand you:

You don't like the way they use guerrilla tactics. And they haven't won a single "strategic or tactical battle." Lastly, the reason that the US is withdrawing is because we want to. Let's dissect this, point by point for giggles and because I have nothing better to do at the moment.

(1) And the reason they're lasting for that long is because they do not engage the military in battle. (2)Every time the Taliban have openly engaged the troops in anything resembling large-scale combat, they lost. They haven't won a single strategic or tactical battle, and the only reason we're getting out of there is because (3) we have no reason to be there.

(4)If the US military turns against its own population, it will be much more like Syria or Libya.

(1) Why would they? Head on, they'd get railroaded. Pot shots, IEDs and perhaps most importantly, propaganda are far and away more effective for their purposes. To assume that because they won't willingly throw themselves into a barely metaphorical meat-grinder they're somehow completely beaten is a logical leap of faith that is easily provable to be false. They're willing to fight, as much as they can without risking losing. Frankly, I respect the way they defend their ideals and home as much as I hate what that means - this from a former US soldier by the way. It's a grudging respect.

(2) For your reading pleasure, Afghani Taliban Victories: Uzbin Valley., Battle of Wanat, and while in Pakistan South Waziristan.

(3) Simply put... did we ever? Sure, it was more legitimate than Iraq, but that's not saying much. They've definitely made the cost of staying too high to be worth it. So we killed one guy - now we're leaving, and they're not gone. Their influence has waned, but it hasn't completely evaporated.

(4) I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Is it that regular citizens will have a better chance against the US Government than the Taliban did? Then I want to disagree... Afghani Taliban have been in a constant struggle with $SOMEONE since the 70s. They've had a lot of experience and until the mid-90s, a lot of success. But I digress - if it will be more like Libya or Syria... isn't that what we want? A better fighting chance from having comparable weapons?

Comment Re:It's not the slashvertisement (Score 1) 171

4. Pushes a stupid and unnecessary product or service.

Instead of training your staff not to open phishy emails, just ban any email client that allows execute-on-open.

Wow. You know how you can tell that the comments are being modded by people with a vested interest in the ad? Your comment was on-point and provided an alternative and is still getting modded down. Way to go, /. You bastards.

Comment Re:"totally new like the ipod" (Score 4, Insightful) 327

Exactly what was totally new about the ipod?

It worked out of the box, as intended and easily for everyone from soccer moms to geeks and everything in between. It looked slick, the marketing campaign was tight and most importantly it fulfilled the needs of 'the majority' of consumers better than any other product on the market. Bash Apple all you want, but if you deny that I'd assume you're being deliberately obtuse.

Comment Re:Sadly, this is probably as good as it gets (Score 3, Interesting) 121

You make an excellent point, sir. I don't even live in New Jersey but I'll give him 50 bucks. I know it's not much, but it's what I have to give and I really do want to show (with my dollars) that I support what he stands for.

Because whether or not you like it, that's how this government, and most others, work: Not by majority opinion, but by majority dollars.

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The flow chart is a most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation. -- Frederick Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"
