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Comment Just got an xbox 360 (Score 2) 267

After many years of begging I finally broke down and got a xbox 360 to replace the aging Wii. I got the Halo 4 version since my son loves the Halo games. The game is rated teen but him and his friends have been playing it for a couple of years now. BTW he's also 9 (turning ten early next year). Now he just has to wait until Christmas and no he doesn't know he's getting it.

Comment Re:Ubiquity (Score 3, Informative) 239

Ubiquity is really awesome gear and I've used their WiFi (802.11a/b/g) stuff for a few years now.

I had thought about doing the same sort of thing in my rural area and one suggestion I would make is this... Get a FCC license for your wireless (like the 3GHz range). This way you can keep people from trying to hack your signal a bit. Yes I know determined people can and will try but being in a license part of the spectrum mitigates this a bit.

Ubiquity has this type of gear and may even have some suggestions on how to get licensed. They also where able to provide me with a map of the area which gave me a really good idea of how far my signal could go with out putting up repeaters and such.

Comment Re:Summers off? (Score 1) 729

Many kids (my parents included) spent a lot of time working on the farm when they where kids. They even managed to find time to go to school and get their diploma and then on to university and then out in to the work force. Yes this was back in the 50's and 60's but it did happen. What it did do was give them a good work ethic that they passed along to me. I wish I could work my kids like I was and my parents. Living in the city they just don't get a chance to and their work ethic suffers because of it. We try to use other ways to instill this and yes they have their chores but it's nothing like what I grew up with.

Children working is not wrong. What is wrong is children slaving away making shoes and other goods for little or no money. Working along side your family is not slavery not to mention learning skills needed to take over the operation when your parents retire. At least the kids working on the farm are usually fed and clothed and have a roof over their heads.

Comment It tough but not imposible (Score 1) 479

I cut the cord about 3 years ago now. Dropped the satellite and cable subs (except for cable internet). Our big screen now only receives OTA and we get 5 channels here (we're in western Canada) and no US broadcasts as we're to far away from the border. Just about everything we want is OTA so it's no problem. To record those OTA's I'm using a myth box with a 1TB drive, a couple of tuner cards and us the HDMI out. I do have a sub for tv listings but that's only 20 buck a year (maybe 25 I can't remember). A second myth box to stream recorded to the upstairs. For everything else we just use a wireless mount/keyboard to surf the network web sites to watch or we use the bluray player for netflix. For things we can't get any other way we get the DVD's from the library when they come out (12 bucks a year). Besides we found once we cut the cable we started reading more, going out side more, talking more. All of those things that TV zaps out of you. Do your self a favour and send the kids out side to play, and maybe go with them.

Comment Re:This could become a WSJ best seller (Score 1) 284

I'm sure my children won't see this. Even though I don't buy them every new laptop or iPad that comes out and try to teach them that material goods are not a statement or worth. They see all their friends with the latest gadget and they want it to. Maybe someday they may see why we don't have cable or satellite and every fancy thing but until then I'm the bad guy because I don't want to spend the money on it. Even more probable is when they get out in to the work force they will just buy all that crap themselves and be happy. They won't have money to retire or for medical care but who cares... They will have their iPad.

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