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Comment Compared to VMS clusters... (Score 2, Informative) 166

Ah, Linux gets disk level clustering?

It is interesting to compare with what VMS offered 25 years ago:
- VMS could have multiple nodes (can DRBD? It is not obvious from the web site.)
- All VMS nodes have read and write access to the file systems
- The distributed lock manager helps with file locking in this case.
- VMS has the concept of quorum to avoid the "split brain" syndrom mentioned on the web page.


NASA Nebula, Cloud Computing In a Container 55

1sockchuck writes "NASA has built its Nebula cloud computing platform inside a data center container so it can add capacity quickly, bringing extra containers online in 120 days. Nebula will provide on-demand computing power for NASA researchers managing large data sets and image repositories. 'Nebula has been designed to automatically increase the computing power and storage available to science- and data-oriented web applications as demand rises,' explains NASA's Chris Kemp. NASA has created the project using open source components and will release Nebula back to the open source community. 'Hopefully we can provide a good example of a successful large-scale open source project in the government and pave the way for similar projects in other agencies,' the Nebula team writes on its blog."

Comment Re:So explain how you'd do it (Score 1) 199

Use BSD.

Really, if your company wants to do "open source" and is completely uninterested in free software (GPL licensed code), why not build something around a BSD kernel?

The company should analyze WHY it wants to do "open source". Do they want to build a community and/or developer participation? Or do they want gratis software?

I don't understand why companies who DON'T want to share their source code don't consider alternatives to Linux. I would love if they went the Linux route, but then they should get with the program...

Comment I have used a Teletype ASR-33 (Score 1) 120

The cool thing about it is that except for the modem, the device is mechanical, not electronic. You could connect a RS-232 (serial) cable and send/receive 110 baud data. And the teletype would encode/decode the signals purely mechanically, using rotating wheels. Amazing!

This also included the paper tape punch/reader. You could write your entire program off-line to a paper tape. The you would connect and run the tape through the reader. This would allow you to enter the entire program fast, minimizing your expensive on-line time.

If you pressed a key on the keyboard all other keys would lock until the character was sent. If you typed too fast, you could hurt your fingers!

I'd like to have one. They were noisy though...

Comment Overlay trees (Score 1) 731

I developed a program on a PDP-11. It was a 16-bit computer and had 64kB memory. It didn't have virtual memory so in order to fit a large program you had to build an overlay tree.

Consider if function a() called b0() and b1(). And b0() called c0() and c1().

By knowing the call tree in your program and some other stuff about the dynamics of your program you could arrange so that b0() and b1() shared the same space in memory. Likewise for c0() and c1().

By studying linker maps you could create an overlay description file to make your program fit into 64kB. The OS would use this to automatically bring pieces of code in and out.

You can only imagine the consequences when you start to change the program and the pieces grow in size or new calls are added (b1() now calls c0()). You'd often have to manually do a new overlay tree.

No wonder VAX/VMS was such a hit in the late seventies with 32-bit computing and virtual memory support.

Comment Re:Boing Boing Unreliable (Score 0, Troll) 264

According to the technical details you linked to it doesn't play standard DRM-free AAC files but it does play proprietary WMA files. And it requires Windows which I don't use.

Also, there is no mention on how it connects to my iTunes library? Can it sync automatically and update the smart playlists I use to load it with music I haven't listened to yet? Or do I have to go back to fully manual syncing/management?

I'm not so sure the Sansa player is superior...

Comment Re:annoyed (Score 1) 294

Yeah, the normal and logical may seem that way if you're used to something so strange and illogical as US English - putting 'z' in almost every word, and I mean, MM/DD/YYYY? come on!

Yes they store dates in mixed endian format.

Not to mention football which Americans think is a sport where you don't have a proper ball and you very seldom play it using a foot. :)


Submission + - ThinkGeek Sued into Silence by Apple (

fleshball writes: "It looks like the well respected Apple rumors site, ThinkGeek, will be no more. The lawsuit filed against Nicholas Ciarelli by Apple has finally been settled, leading to sadly, a cessation of ThinkGeek. But on the upside, no sources were revealed. link

PRESS RELEASE: Apple and Think Secret have settled their lawsuit, reaching an agreement that results in a positive solution for both sides. As part of the confidential settlement, no sources were revealed and Think Secret will no longer be published. Nick Ciarelli, Think Secret's publisher, said "I'm pleased to have reached this amicable settlement, and will now be able to move forward with my college studies and broader journalistic pursuits.""


Submission + - Apple's Safari on Windows (

comm2k writes: According to the BBC Apple has announced a windows version of its Safari browser.

Apple has launched a version of its web browser Safari for Windows, competing head to head with Microsoft's Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox.

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