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Comment How? (Score 2, Interesting) 308

I'm a little confused how this guy's "hack" worked as described. I just checked Twitter and it doesn't have password recovery questions. And the "forgot password" form offers to send a password reset link to the email address associated with the account, so it's not going to be a way in unless you have access to the email too.

Comment Re:Luck not shot down (Score 1) 518

I was pretty sure the answer was "slow enough to tail an passenger jet", but I looked up the numbers out of curiosity. Jet airliners fly faster than you might think...according to Wikipedia, the cruising speed of an A320 is Mach 0.78 (which at 37,000 feet is about 515 knots). The stall speed of an F-16 is reported to be somewhere in the vicinity of 150-200 knots, so one could easily keep pace with a cruising A320.

Comment Field of vision (Score 1) 609

Don't forget the fact that you usually have a limited field of vision in video games as well (at least in my limited experience with driving games), and you can't turn your head to look anywhere other than straight ahead. Either that, or the game puts you in a third person view behind the vehicle, which is better for seeing what's around you but terrible for seeing what's directly in front of you.

Comment 3d desktop compositing? (Score 1) 1

I'm wondering how much of an effect Aero Compiz might have had on these results. Aero is enabled by default on Win7 and, as far as I know, some Compiz effects are enabled by default on recent versions of Ubuntu. If power consumption is a real concern, I'd be interested to see this test repeated with both respective features turned off.

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