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Comment Re:The world... (Score 1) 236

Good analog/RF chip designers are ... They're all Asian.

Bull. You're taking the "everything is done in Asia" line and assuming that it really is true of everything, including analog/RF chip designs. I'm currently working (as a system engineer for the application) with a group of absolutely top notch RF chip designers in the Midwest. I know SV types just know it's impossible for real engineering work to be done in the Midwest, but fact is stranger than fiction (I'm not pushing the Midwest either - I'm on the East Coast). Qualcomm does much of their RF design in California, and Infineon does it there and in Germany. Analog Devices does much of their design work in Massachusetts, and to the extent it's gone offshore, it's to Ireland. There are also a bunch of smaller RF chip (and discrete) manufacturers in North Carolina, like RFMD.

So where are these Asian analog/RF chip design centers that you're talking about? Japan, and maybe Taiwan (obviously they have TSMC, but that's different), have some good stuff, but what about the rest of the very large continent you're talking about?

Comment Re:Yes, of course it is (Score 1) 236

even the power amplifiers can now be switching

Switching circuits are analog circuits.

And all the people who think you "need" an analog background to design 1MHz microcontroller stuff

1MHz? That's out of the audio range, right?

I've spoken with EEs with decades of experience who don't even know what a common mode voltage is anymore because they just apply the same recipe over and over.

Then they're not very good engineers. Even digital stuff sometimes goes differential, like LVDS.

What's the point of churning out so many EEs these days?

In America? There isn't. But that's what comes from having well bribed(1) politicians making policies that screw most Americans.

(1) Oops, I forgot that our illustrious Supreme Court says that money is speech, so bribery is now protected by the 1st Amendment.

I mean except as a way to channel government loan money into university coffers via student debt.

Universities are some of the biggest proponents of things like the H-1B, which universities think is great as long as universities stay on the gravy train.

Comment Re:The world... (Score 1) 236

Not to mention power supplies. A switching supply is very much an analog circuit.

Even if you have a ready made analogue front end

But someone has to design the chips. Good analog/RF chip designers are awfully thin on the ground, because it takes many years to really get good. By comparison digital chip designers are a dime-a-dozen (don't take offense, I've done digital but not analog chip design). And analog board level designs, which I've done, don't prepare you much for making chips.

Comment Re:Nativism (Score 1) 234

Nativism is the political position of demanding a favored status for certain established inhabitants of a nation as compared to claims of newcomers or immigrants.

Almost all unions in the US are nativist in origin if not in current implementation. No big surprise that the collapse of the unions in the late 60s and 70s coincided with the rise of minorities in blue collar/skilled labor.

Which minorities are those? African Americans? Since most African Americans have ancestors in this country going back over 200 years, I don't think they qualify as the "newcomers or immigrants" that nativism discriminates against.

Comment Re:Nativism (Score 0) 234

Nativism is the political position of demanding a favored status for certain established inhabitants of a nation as compared to claims of newcomers or immigrants.

Hence the H-1B program is nativist because people here on an H-1B visa are required to leave the country if they're unemployed. That's very different from groups that have a more privileged status like citizens and green card holders. This nativism is one of the main complaint of opponents of the H-1B program.

"Tech worker groups" sounds suspiciously like whites and Asians to me. Why should these high-IQ groups receive advantages when so many other groups don't?

You're also a bigot who believes that whites and Asians are smarter than other groups. Have you been reading "The Bell Curve"?

Comment Re:Sweden (Score 1) 1040

he was writing about socialism, wasn't he?

Not in a negative sense. Orwell was a dyed-in-the-wool democratic socialist, and an ardent anti-communist. If you think that there is no different because they both use the word socialism, then you must think that there is no difference between the US and fascism, since both are capitalist. Please, stop embarrassing yourself.

Comment Re:180 satellites... (Score 1) 170

At the low altitudes that these will fly, the power necessary to reach the satellites will be much lower than geosynchronous or even Iridium satellites.

The link budget calculations have too many other things to say how important that is without looking at the other factors, especially when you consider that battery power, not Tx power, is what matters. Iridium satellites sit at 780km, but I haven't found any info about the Google proposal. Also, Iridium satellites run L-band (1-2GHz) but Google's are Ku-band (12-18GHz). Power amps are much less efficient at Ku, and there is greater rain fade. 2dB may not sound like much at first, but it means you need 43% more Tx power. You can have much higher gain antennas at Ku band, but that only matters if you can keep the things pointed right.

Comment Re:Credit rating databases aren't new (Score 2, Informative) 294

hate to burst your utopian-bubble, but the last time i checked, in world history Government has caused, roughly, about a bazillion times more pain and sufferings than any corporation could ever even begin to conceive of

So now you think you live in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia? Now who has delusions.

i can't get my head around this "trust the government" meme

Neither could the people who wrote the Constitution, which is why we're supposed to have freedom of the press and elections. It's far from perfect, and thanks to corporate influence it's getting worse, but I'm still not learning the Horst Wessel Song or the Internationale.

BTW, you do know that one of the main complaints of the people who wrote that Constitution was the way the British government was influenced by the East India Company, right? Look up the actual causes of the Boston Tea Party. Oh, and check how that company ruled much of India for 130 years for its profit.

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