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Comment Re:In that case... (Score 1) 327

While I see the point that you're trying to make - I really wouldn't mind that. If I'm not doing anything illegal, then I don't have to worry about being arrested. Why would someone be AGAINST security cameras being pointed at their property, when other people pay hefty sums to set them up for security?

To be honest, I think being able to go down to my local police station, saying "My house got broken into this weekend, could you guys check the tapes" would be WAY more convenient then the quote unquote "inconvenience" of being watched.

What pray-tell, directly disadvantages the average citizen if they were to be watched at all times?

Your point of view is that if you're innocent, you shouldn't mind having every single bit of privacy taken away. This really pisses me off, as it is tantamount to saying someone is guilty simply by virtue of desiring privacy. Just imagine applying this exact same way of thinking to criminal law: you are guilty until proven innocent.

Comment Business model (Score 1) 343

1. Advertise a certain amount of bandwidth
2. Put a clause in the contract that allows you to change the advertised service at any time
3. Sell advertised product
4. Cap bandwidth to amounts clearly below what was advertised, on account of "1% of our users fuck the other 99%"
5. ?????
6. Profit!!!

Comment Re:Games (Score 1) 1365

Imagine a company selling corkscrews. Would it be its shortcoming if this single and particular bottle of wine you like requires an entirely different instrument to open it?
Linux simply isn't Windows. The general goals are the same, but they're still different. So don't expect every feature of Windows to be available in Linux. That would be the same as expecting a Ferrari and a Toyota Prius to have identical specs.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
