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Comment Re:Not as bad as it sounds (Score 4, Insightful) 370

*raises hand*

Of course, slashdot law requires that at least five people now show up to prove me wrong, since there are "no women on the internet." It's ok. However wrong you may be, I am prepared to acknowledge that you are only following cliches, jumping on bandwagons, and repeating someone else's jokes for perhaps the hundredth time in your life in an attempt to sound funny, witty, or intelligent. I know you're only 'doing your duty,' par se. Fulfilling your obligation to slashdot society.

Don't worry. There are people who can help you.

Comment So much for switching to an open-source OS... (Score 1) 350

Once Windows and Macintosh (or whatever hardware-based proprietary operating systems come along to replace them in this new framework) are permanently embedded in the hardware, making dual-booting nigh impossible (if not completely impossible), and making replacement of the operating system with a new one into a task so arduous that even a good many of today's Linux junkies would just opt to stick with what came with it... I doubt we'll see any more crossover to the free alternatives.

Oh, and did we mention the upgrade cycle on these things? That's right, for the average user who has no idea how to flash a piece of hardware, they have to order a whole new replacement every time the slightest security upgrade comes along on the operating system level! That sounds like wonderful fun for Gramma, don't you agree?

Comment Re:Rational (Score 3, Interesting) 807

I actually have some data from my sociology class that could support his claim. I don't have a reference to give you, except that the story is found in "The Human Experience" reader. I don't have it handy, or I'd give you a more exact reference, but the gist of the article was that all victimless crimes - not just marijuana, but also things like prostitution - serve to keep peoples' eyes off of the rich. It's typically the poor who are driven by desperation to do many of the victimless crimes (though, I suppose that could be argued in the case of marijuana, but there's still a significant portion of marijuana smokers who are poor or middle class).

In essence, when someone is arrested for marijuana or another victimless crime, it goes on their permanent record. It keeps the poor poor, because these people find it difficult if not impossible to find a steady job with a criminal record, and so, in order to survive, and with the mentality in place that "I'm already a criminal, so I can't really fall any further," these people often begin resorting to thievery and other crimes that are not victimless, and are sent to jail. Because the poor have been driven to these crimes, the eyes of the general population are drawn to them, and they say, "The poor are the criminals of our society. The poor cause all of our problems." Their eyes are diverted nicely from the problems of the rich as the enforced problems of the poor seem to carry more weight.

So, in that regard, it does help keep rich people rich. Or at least, it keeps them in power, which, in a roundabout way, keeps them rich.

The person who wrote the article was a professor teaching a class on the American justice system. Ironically, as an exercise, he asked the students to develop a prison system with the express intention of keeping the rich in power (before explaining all of the above to them), and what they developed was almost an exact copy of the American justice system.

Comment Re:Wrong product... Where's the KARAOKE software? (Score 1) 659

Unfortunately, it's not really possible to single out and remove vocals from a single-track or even dual-track (stereo, left and right tracks) recording. All of the frequencies get smashed into one, and the only way to eliminate anything from it is to just leave out frequencies within the human vocal range. Unfortunately, a lot of background music also falls within the human vocal range. Until music is released in the same multi-track format it was recorded in, we probably won't ever see a perfect vocal removal. And considering the potential liability for copyright infringement if that's done, I don't have a high degree of expectation that that day will ever arrive.

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