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Comment 2 independant studies say AT&T better than Ver (Score 1) 572

Despite the Verizon ads it appears from 2 independent studies ( that, at least in the major metropolitan areas, AT&T does have a more reliable and faster network and the iPhone's "electronics in the phone that connect it to the cell towers, had shortcomings that 'affect both voice and data.'".

Comment Re:The other push (Score 1) 545

IANAE - Yes, you can't trust corporations - but it's more insidious than just that. As most large corporations are driven by their share holders and stock value, a lot of this greed is driven by Wall Street analysts, the same ones that caused this economic meltdown we're still in. They announce how much a corporation should make, rate them lower if they don't meet the expectations they set, then the board sues the corporation if they fail to perform, so all round everything conspires to screw the consumer as much as possible - until they revolt, stop buying the product, the corporation lowers the price to entice them back... and the whole cycle starts again!

Comment Re:Diff (Score 5, Interesting) 65

I think a Federal law should be passed requiring not only web sites but all TOS documents to produce a diff version so it's easy to see what has changed since the last version. Who has time to re-read all the credit card, phone company, etc. lengthy TOS documents to find the one or two line that have subtly changed.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
