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Comment Re:I for one... (Score 1) 419

Yeah, she lives in Altona currently, family moved from Wales when she was three (if I remember last night's news program correctly). I drove past her house last night on my way home, the AFP (Aussie Federal Police) car was there, so I guess she was home? Either that or they're protecting her property.

Comment Re:Could it happen in the North Sea? (Score 1) 913

I know!! I saw the movie during my HSR (Health and Safety Rep) course, and it was horrible. As someone who's seen the impact extensive burns can have on the body, I was horrified. People so scared to lose thier jobs / lose money that they allowed it to continue. I wouldn't have wanted to be in thier shoes on the day, or in the aftermath. Just makes me sad.

Comment Re:Could it happen in the North Sea? (Score 1) 913

Piper Alpha is an odd-ball, because there were so many points in time that it could have been stopped, or the damage reduced, yet it seemed that everything that could go wrong did. From my knowledge (backed up be wiki), if one person had just told the person in charge about the gas pipe being out of action nothing would have happened. First time I watched the docco on it, it blew my mind. Interesting read on wiki, if you're interested. (also, from memory, it was initially designed as gas, and was converted to both gas and oil... or vice-virsa.)

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