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Comment Re:Phones need a "I'm driving" mode. (Score 3, Informative) 419

On my phone (Samsung), it has differnt profiles (Normal, Silent, Driving, Meeting...), so if I set it to Driving, it has the voice mail "You've called SpaceCadet, I'm driving...", or if it is Meeting it is "You've called SpaceCadet, I'm in a meeting...". Same for texts, if someone texts me it sends an automatic preprogrammed reply. Maybe on your next upgrade see if you can get a phone that does the same - or even if your current phone does it. It took me a while to find the option and work out how to set it up. Once it is going though, it is a blessing. :)

Comment Re:Homeowner? His responsibility (Score 1) 574

I know in Australia, if guy next door has an apple tree, and the branches come over the fence, those branches - and any fruit on them - belong to you. You can cut them down, or if you don't mind it you can eat the fruit, whatever. Don't think you can make dude next door cut the branch off for you, as it is considered 'yours'. IANAL.

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