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Comment Re:wishlist (Score 1) 386

ok, that's a matter of taste finally, for the one it's a tool, for the other an own small universe to discover. or both :)
but anyway there's not much to complain, debian comes in fact with nice pre-configurated packages and often you can choose to use a gui for config or not.
i prefer to understand first the config file entirely (well, nearly) before i use a gui for that.

oh, and i thought i saw a GPL sign on your lawn, mishap, sry :P

Comment wishlist (Score 1) 386

hello debian developers.

if i would have some free wishes they would be like this:

--- don't be as nervous as other distributors putting pressure on release cycles, stay with "it's done when it's done". that's one reason i stay with debian, although i use the unstable branch it's *stable*

--- keep away license restricted software, who needs it should learn how to compile sources (or how to use wine if it's *really* necessary ;) and get the software themselfes. who can't find out how to compile should better switch to another operating system.

--- don't go by that trendy "be as *easy to use* as certain other operating systems"... i don't need a gui for everything, i like using bash and if you read the manuals you understand how to configurate things. so if you use debian you should be able to learn and educate yourself. not to forget that linux is one of the best documented os's around, just open your eyes and look for the informations!

--- the one's who are too lazy to learn and understand or the one's who are simply not interested how it works, should better stay with other os's.

So in one sentence: keep the things going like they are, i like it this way, there's no real alternative for me for different reasons (e.g. i would miss 'apt' a lot as well as the *fluid* updating of the unstable branch - no more major upgrades! :D )


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