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Comment Samsung laptops (Score 5, Informative) 154

UEFI has been implicated in the death of Samsung laptops running Linux.

That had nothing to do with Linux, and UEFI had no fault in that. The problem is that Samsung wrote a serious bug into their UEFI implementation that causes the laptop to brick if the user does X, Y, and Z under any operating system.

Comment Risky != Risky??? (Score 0) 110

The popular belief is that security risks increase as the user engages in riskier ... behavior online

So security risks don't increase as I engage in risky behavior? How does that even work? If something doesn't increase risk, then it isn't risky. I can start downloading and executing everything I see without increasing security risks?

Comment Re:This is about information policy (Score 5, Informative) 124

Or even more reason to be afraid...IIRC part of the problem was they weren't telling people how bad it really was wasn't it?

That was the problem. By lying, officials were indirectly telling people that the nuclear disaster was so bad that they had to lie. Plus, not knowing how bad it is adds another layer of stress.

Comment Be Slut PDF (Score -1, Flamebait) 74

Worked fine for me. But I have adblock. No javascript necessary.

Here is a direct link that works for me. I can't guarantee that it isn't time limited or connected to IP address or anything like that.


Heh heh. Be slut.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
