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Submission + - Bill Gates funds anti-net neutrality Congressman

amigoro writes: "It has emerged that Bill Gates funded an anti-neutrality Congressman at the last election. He gave $2,000, the maximum possible, to Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), who voted against Markey's "Net Neutrality Act of 2006". He also meant to be working closely with another anti-net neutrality Congressman, Cliff Stearns.

This is hardly surprising, considering the fact that Microsoft stands to lose, not gain, from net neutrality."

Submission + - Money Laundering Via MMO's

Anonymous writes: Apparently, it is rather easy to move illicit funds through virtual economies such as Second Life (among many others) via currency conversion from real cash to virtual cash, followed by transferring that to another player, who then converts it back to real cash. Although the author of this posting gives a simple scenario, it is quite plausible that motivated criminals can be capable of much more robust schemes. tual-money-laundering-now-available-world-wide-/
The Internet

Submission + - New molecules for a faster Internet

Roland Piquepaille writes: "An international team of researchers has discovered a new generation of optical molecules which interact 50% more strongly with light than any molecules ever tested. These organic molecules, known as chromophores, have been theorized by physicists at Washington State University, synthesized by chemists in China and tested for their actual optical properties by chemists in Belgium. But if they're excellent candidates for being used in optical technologies such as optical switches and Internet connections, these new materials should not be used before several years — if ever. Read more for additional details and a picture of the physicist who broke a law he established in 1999."

Submission + - Researchers find potential cure for cancer

MECC writes: Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found a way to kill cancer cells without radiation or toxic chemicals. From the article: 'A group of researchers claim that they are patenting a possible cure for cancer involving nothing more than sugar and short-chain fatty acid combination.'

IE6 Was Unsafe 284 Days In 2006 137

An anonymous reader sends us to the Washington Post's Security Fix blog, where Brian Krebs has toted up the total vulnerability days for IE6 users in 2006. From the article: "For a total 284 days in 2006 (or more than nine months out of the year), exploit code for known, unpatched critical flaws in pre-IE7 versions of the browser was publicly available on the Internet. Likewise, there were at least 98 days last year in which no software fixes from Microsoft were available to fix IE flaws that criminals were actively using to steal personal and financial data from users... In contrast, Internet Explorer's closest competitor in terms of market share — Mozilla's Firefox browser — experienced a single period lasting just nine days last year in which exploit code for a serious security hole was posted online before Mozilla shipped a patch to remedy the problem."
The Courts

Submission + - Florida election

C. Darryl Mattison writes: "Judge rules no access to voting software source code. arejects_1.html?source=NLC-TB2007-01-02 I agree with Jennings that the need to verify the accuracy of the vote far outweighs the concern about the company's trade secrets, for which they could be compensated if no problems were found. It seems that would meet the concerns of both sides and strike a balance. But we're talking about Florida here..."

Submission + - The new interpretation to Einstein's theory

Georgius writes: "The new interpretation to causal essence of Gravity and Einstein's general theory of relativity (GTR) are offered. There are shown that the "Space-time", introduced by Minkovsky and Einstein, it's a false physical reality only. The studied gravity events actually are conditioned with the unknown property of substance, but not with the mysterious " Space-time" as it's presented in GTR. The author's conclusions mostly confirm quantitative results of Einstein's theory. However, the negative results are predicted for ongoing and planning great experiments to registration of "gravitational waves" and on detection the "curvature of a space-time" (Gravity Probe-B, LIGO, LISA.) ?bookid=33659"

Submission + - Researchers create selfish BitTorrent client

An anonymous reader writes: Researchers from the computer science department at the University of Washington have released BitTyrant, a new BitTorrent client that is designed to improve download performance via strategic selection of peers and upload rates. Their results call into question the effectiveness of BitTorrent's tit-for-tat reciprocation strategy which was designed to discourage selfish users. BitTyrant clients are available for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Submission + - French Space Agency's UFO Archive To Go Online

Anomalous Cowbird writes: For those who still think 'the truth is out there,' MSNBC reports that the French space agency (and who knew they had one?) is planning to publish their archive of 'UFO sightings and other phenomena' online. The archive reportedly includes some 6,000 reports relating to around 1,600 incidents. Time to brush up on that high school French?
United States

Submission + - Bush admits global warming endangering polar bear

oddmuse writes: "Bush embraces the endangered polar bear — and accepts the dangers of global warming 108212.ece "In a landmark decision, the Bush administration has concluded that global warming is endangering the existence of the polar bear — an admission that could force the US government to act to curb the emission of greenhouse gases." Al Gore's inconvenient truth is slipping past the lips of his 2000 opponent in 2006. Maybe it just takes Bush a lot longer to realise the truth of a matter than the rest of society."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Nanomaterials to Print Flexible 3-Dimensional Electronics

Nanomaterials Produce Heterogeneous Three-Dimensional Electronics
Researchers at the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory of the University of Illinois have developed a new, experimentally simple approach for combining broad classes of dissimilar electronic materials into heterogeneously integrated systems with two or three dimensional layouts on rigid or flexible substrates
Christmas Cheer

Submission + - Immaculate conception?

nanopolitan writes: "Scientific American is running this story on the "immaculate conception" of Komodo dragons at two English zoos. From the story:

Indonesian dragons can breed without the benefit of masculine companionship. Last week, researchers reported in Nature that the only two sexually mature female Komodo dragons in all of Europe laid viable eggs without insemination from a male. One Komodo, named Flora, lives at the Chester Zoo in England and has never been kept with a male; yet a few months ago she laid a clutch of 11 eggs, eight of which seem to be developing normally and may hatch as soon as January. Earlier this year, a now deceased female named Sungai from the London Zoo laid a clutch of 22 eggs, four of which yielded normal male dragons — even though Sungai hadn't had a date in two and a half years.

Some reptiles can hold onto sperm for several years, so initially researchers considered that Sungai's eggs had a father. But genetic analysis ruled that out, unless the father were somehow genetically identical to her.

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