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Comment Case for Rust? (Score 1) 60

Although I've never programmed in Rust, I'm interested in its advantages in terms of code security. Looking at the list of vulnerabilities in TFA, it seems at least 12 out of 21 are due to overflow or out-of-bounds errors that would have been prevented if Exim had been written in Rust. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Comment Re:Great idea (Score 2) 178

Great idea indeed. The only downside of this kind of positive incentivization to move away from bad behavior is that you're putting people that have already switched (or never owned a car in the first place) at a financial disadvantage. The unintended side effect of this kind of policy is that it motivates people to stick with undesirable behavior until you pay them to give it up. To avoid this you should also reward the people that already display the behavior you want to incentivize.

Comment Re:hard to say (Score 1) 221

Then it would be hard to say it doesn't get metaphor :-) But seriously:

But if something opens the drawer and takes out a block and says, "I just opened a drawer and took out a block," it's hard to say it doesn't understand what it's doing.

This sounds just like somebody in the seventies saying: "But if you present a photo of a dog to a computer and it responds with the word "dog", it's hard to say it doesn't understand what it's seeing."

Comment Re:Why would you make a language a moving target? (Score 2) 74

Or at least to call it version 4.0 rather than 3.9, to indicate the breaking changes.

If there were any...The list in TFS doesn't mention any backwards incompatibilities, just added features. Releasing a new minor version for it seems perfectly consistent with semantic versioning conventions to me.

Comment 10 times better than average, worst? (Score 4, Interesting) 199

The researchers expected that the best programmer would outperform his average counterpart by a factor of two or three. But it turned out that the most skilled programmer far outperformed the worst. He was 20 times faster at coding, 25 times faster at debugging, and 10 times faster at program execution than the programmer with the lowest marks.

The quote in the title is a glaring non-sequitur. They report a comparison between best and worst, not best and average. In a sample of 10 subjects, mind you. But hey, if you want to make a point, who needs the data?

Comment Re:serverless platform (Score 1) 32

I don't really have a clue, but since this is Slashdot I'll give you my 2 cents anyway. I think serverless computing means that you get to run stuff in the cloud, but without ever having to deal with the servers yourself. Not the physical machines obviously, but also not the virtual machines and the system environment necessary to run your code/app/database. In that sense it's different from normal server providers like AWS and Azure.

Comment Re:You can't fix email (Score 1) 42

sure, you can trust something like signal to handle keys transparently (i've not used nor thoroughly studied signal, it looks good) but ... 1) it's not really going to work if users don't really understand the difference and 2) how long do you expect to trust signal not being backdoored if it becomes mainstream?

That and Signal messaging still relies on centralized servers. Although you can create your own private Signal network, federation of servers is not currently possible, nor planned . There may be good pragmatic reasons for that (as outlined in the blog), but as crippling as it may be, I think an open protocol standard and decentralized server infrastructure is a sine qua non for an e-mail successor.

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