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Comment Gah! Winking (Score 1) 170

I have a terrible time trying to wink -- its going to be impossible for me to go back to the last song.
I think with facial gestures, while cool- there are so many unconscious movements people make in a day or time... you'd constantly be looking for the manual hold button.
A scenario: Say I'm listening to music and jogging down the street. A 3 year old comes up, and isn't a brat, and I smile.
Crap, song repeat.
So I wink, and well because I am an awful winker, I'd make all kinds of scary facial gestures that would scare any good three year old.
So said three year old gets incredibly terrified, and starts screaming with this high pitch - mommy thats a child molester scream- I wince.

God knows what that would do to my ipod.

So, I'll stick with my buttons for now.

Comment Of all the things to give credit to... (Score 1) 576

Please, do not give facebook that much credit.

Facebook simply targeted the first real 'child' generation of computer users in their late teens early 20's with an social network medium to keep track of all their friends once they left high school and entered college. There is a reason it started out with college only students- they are the ones that had computer's as children, the money to already have been exposed and a desire to keep track of their friends once they moved away.

Absolute genius, and a little bit of luck, yes. But, the downfall of television, absolutely not.

Now, we haven't made computer's our TV's. WebTV failed- and I think one of the biggest reasons (aside from massive compatiblity issues with the web) is that our computer's are personal. We look at our e-mail, we write in journals, do work stuff, watch porn, etc. Its not nessisarily the stuff we want everyone to see.

Families don't get together to watch dad check his e-mail, but they do get together to watch a movie. TV has been less and less useful, with the internet able to provide video's, and removal of ads.

However, TV is still alive and kicking. The whole distribution system- ad driven phenomena has just moved over in different ways. Internet adds are prevalent in the same way TV adds are. But add blocker, firefox and general ignoring has made it a mindless sort of 'avoid the add' task. I use to do things during commercial breaks, but now I find myself trying to click away advertisements. Also, TV companies are catching on to the internet thing- they are offering shows online for free or subscription, and have their own ways to advertise. CNN does the stupid ad before the clip shows, and there are others out there to.

The TV industry hasn't figured out exactly how to move arched serial television to mesh and co-exist with computers successfully and profitably. But, they will find a way. I hardly think that the 30 minute reoccurring motion picture is going to die any time soon. Even if I don't own a tv.

Comment Forcefield activate! (Score 2, Informative) 597

What, is a blur like a magical force field? Sheesh, any *good* terrorist would do it the old fashion way anyway - go to the address and take a picture. There are so many factors to a terrorist attack, how you enter, (if) you want to be alive after- how to exit... blurs do nothing but...make the building blurry.

Comment How do you know? (Score 1) 1246

OK- but how does finding a phone on someone's body prove that she was texting in class? I know its pretty easy to check to see if she was, however at the time they probobly couldn't even prove it! Besides, texting might be rude, but disorderly? Pressing buttons quietly at a desk isn't exactly disorderly. Breaking a school rule- yes, But this is way to far. I mean, is sneezing to loud now disorderly? Or running to the bathroom when you really have to go?
Make-up with glitter in it was classified as a "distraction in the classroom" at my middle school, and people would get detention if they wore it . However, detention is a far cry from a disorderly charge.
I'm so glad I'm grown now. Schools are becoming more like tyrant camps than an actual learning environment.

Comment Moral Judgement (Score 1) 207

This is outrageous.

People should have the right to play whatever game they want.

The whole 'if we don't define it it is illegal' is the same as like, I've got categories of books, and if I don't define it, its illegal. Its a book. It is expression. No, this isn't the US. But, Australia is supposedly a 'free' country.

Rating systems are dangerous. We end up with things like pointed out above, boobs illegal, flamethrowers aren't? Why? Because somebody with "moral standards" stood up to "protect."

Rating is basically just a glorified morality judgment. It isn't about development level, its not about what children can understand or not, or the effects of specific introductions of concepts or play types on the brain. Its simply about what "Mr. God-wants-the-children-pure" thinks should be whatever rating.

Comment Weak correlation (Score 2, Interesting) 132

I'm currently getting My Master's in Social Work...

According to the DSM-IV PTSD isn't even diagnosable for 3 MONTHS after the event. Obviously, asking people after a week how many times they remembered a movie isn't really related to PTSD. Traumatic Memories are laid down differently, more sensory in nature- than a mere 'thought'. (No source on that, sorry. There are debates about changes in brain structure and things with PTSD)
They loosely define flashbacks. In PTSD, flashbacks can include feeling injuries, getting lost in the traumatic event, not being able to distinguish them from the present. And simply, I bet that the people who remembered less or more didn't feel like they were still in that room being subjected to awful images, as much as thoughts of those images like 'eww, that was gross' or 'those poor people'.

So, distracting yourself right after taking in information makes things harder to remember. But, making the correlation straight to PTSD, is off base.

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