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Comment Re:What Apple will be remembered for (Score 4, Insightful) 376

And what precedent in history have you seen that would make you believe this?

They will still be overpriced, locked into the walled garden and the secondary market will be eradicated. Thinking otherwise is just falling into the trap that has already been laid with other eBooks.

Win for publisher, fail for students. Apple is just a profit machine for content creators and evidently there are a lot of suckers who believe otherwise.

Comment Re:Chile, technology leader of the region. (Score 2) 291

I've traveled there on business and agree. Very impressive low-cost for access infrastructure. It is good they are being heavy handed with the cellular carriers though - the prices for international roaming are robbery there and forces people onto VOIP if they are working temporarily in the country.

Comment Re:Is opening a spouses mail a crime? (Score 1) 496

I would guess that marriage is actually a construct to limit the creation of "illegitimate" children with reckless abandon and make it more attractive economically (and morally for the religious) for a man to settle down with a family. Imagine if there was no such thing as marriage when women had no equal rights? We would live in an anarchy.

The question is -- have we evolved enough to properly foster a civil society without the concept of marriage at all - which if you boil it down - is a way to control the male instinct to procreate unabashedly?

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