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Comment Re:To much foam (Score 2) 48

It was quite telling when he said "It's very foamy today" in a slightly embarrassed voice as if he knew that always happens but didn't want to give that impression.

This is also one of the few times when the comments on youtube are not rabid and insulting, to the point that they are even trying to help!

Yes the line was empty, but I fear he will always have this problem with that flow rate and the location of the solenoids. For a more smooth pour I recommend that he use bottle fillers. They fill from the bottom. I would be much more impressed if there were sensors detecting the size of glass, quality of pour via camera thermometers etc.

screamingservers in reply to Micah Munger 5 hours ago

The analysis of the location of the solenoids is mostly where the problem coming from. In my experience with building kegerators, I have found issues with the gas getting knocked out of solution causing foam up in the lines when placing any kind of intermediary connection away from the tap itself. If he made the line from the tap to the solenoid almost nothing, then it would likely become almost a non-issue.

majostm in reply to screamingservers 1 hour ago

Comment Re:paranoid nanny state (Score 2) 395

Ok, I went to the pains of finding the original pdf, its hard to find as the original link is 404 but you can find it here

Now you linked to the daily mail, otherwise know as the daily hate. To show the bias read its article on the survey versus this one and you will see the hate filled anger the daily mail is going for.

The headline of the daily mail article is

Almost a quarter of Muslims believe 7/7 was justified

but the question asked in the survey was

To what extent do you agree that the July bombings were justified because of British support for the war on terror?

(To which 11% strongly agreed, 11% tended to agree, with it saying all agree was 22%. I don't know where they got the 24% I think maybe channel 4 shifted the figures slightly for some reason).

Now as you can see the question is not as the title of the article suggests, "Do you believe the July bombings are justified?" but "...were justified because of British support for the war on terror?".

This is really badly worded, I can read it to mean did the bombers justify it because of the British support for the war on terror, in which case I would also agree with this statement. I'm not saying everyone who read the question interpreted it that way but I'm sure some did.

On doing a little reading around this study, I found this blog and specifically this comment, that reflects my views on it, I'll the relevant part below

Posted by: Bernard Bumner Author Profile Page | October 7, 2009 5:53 AM

If, on the other hand, you are using this to support your case:

To what extent do you agree that the July bombings were justified because of British support for the war on terror?

22% All Agree

Then I would have to say that I don't really understand the question - the bombers certainly justified their unjust actions by reference to British support fo the war on terror.

It is an ambiguous question. I suspect that many people were expressing support for the bombers, but I cannot reasonably conclude that it is all of that 22% of respondents, and in the absence of properly published methodology and data, I certainly wouldn't extrapolate this to represent British Muslims as a whole.

Actually, the presentation of that survey data is rather worrying, because it conflates (via proximity) the 7/7 bombings (the qeustion above) with what could easily be benign insight into social discord; 13% of respondents agreeing that,

I can understand why young British Muslims might want to carry out suiceide [sic] operations

At the same time, offering up the absolutely meaningless:

It is acceptable for religious or political groups to use violence

(Which only 9% agree with, and tends to cast further doubt on the idea that 22% agree with the actions of the 7/7 bombers).

It be blunt, it is not well-presented data, and is therefore difficult to draw conclusions from.

On other matters: I'm not sure why anybody on this thread would assume that anti-semite, Holocaust denier, and convicted racist Nick Griffin is not a racist leader of a racist political party.

Comment Re:paranoid nanny state (Score 5, Informative) 395

I followed the link you posted. For the 24% figure it linked to the financial times.

Here is what it said:

Fewer than five per cent of Muslims polled believed they should separate themselves from non-Muslims, and fewer than 10 per cent believed it was acceptable for religious or political groups to use violence for political ends.


Almost 80 per cent agreed that the attacks on the London Underground in July 2005 had damaged the image of Muslims in Britain.

Hardly as as damning as you suggested. The right wing media in the UK has been doing its up most to portray Muslims as the enemies of the "truly British" white majority. I'm not saying there is no issues with Muslims in Britain, but anything negative written about them needs to be read with a whole heap of salt.

Comment Re:Eliminates *all* the drawbacks to glass? (Score 1) 199

Lets say you made glass so durable that it wouldn't fracture when hit with a hammer, then you might not want to use that glass in an emergency box which says,"In case of emergency, smash glass"

That reminds me of Starship Titanic (the game). At one point you have to break some emergency glass to get a long stick, if you keep breaking the glass the ship informs you that it has now replaced it with unbreakable emergency glass to stop you. Must have used this stuff.

Comment Re:The fundamental differnence between companies (Score 1) 230

There's a difference between an iPhone and an iPad? They're the same thing in a different form factor. Hell, the iPod isn't that much different itself. If you count them as different product lines, you might as well count Microsoft's Home/Pro (or whatever they are this time round) versions as different product lines - there's about as much distinction.

As much as I'd like to agree with you, if they are the same product why do people buy one of each rather than just make do with one or the other?

Comment Re:Too late (Score 2) 197

Certainly true in the uk, and its own hierarchy is well used. Companies tend to sit on ie. The Guardian (although companies are the ones most likely to go elsewhere if needed), universities sit on i.e. University Of Manchester, health related sit on i.e. NHS Direct, charities seem to sit on i.e. The Mens Health Forum, and government websites sit on i.e.HRMC

True there are people who abuse it, but generally you can be assured that if you are on for example, it really is an academic institute you are on and not some fraudulent university.

Comment Re: Not Surprising. (Score 1) 125

Icarus crashed, not Daedalus.

During flight testing, Daedalus 87 was damaged in a crash caused by spiral divergence

The flight ended in the water (7 meters from Perissa Beach on Santorini, according to the official record), when increasing gusty winds caused a torsional failure of the tail boom. Lacking control, the airplane then pitched nose-up, and another gust caused a failure of the main wing spar. The pilot swam to shore.
Much of the wreckage of Daedalus 88 is in storage at the Smithsonian's restoration facility.

Seems they both did.

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